Dragon Training

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You had long ago risen before the sun peeked over the distant horizon. You combed your long, nimble fingers through your short, thick hair. You remember the day that you had cut your hair, and that seemed to be the magic thought as the flashback overcame you.


You look at Gobber, his warm eyes assuring you that it was for the best. You sadly look at your long, wavy, (h\c) hair that traveled past your waist. Gobber was right, you thought, your hair did nothing but get in the way of work. You close your eyes as you faintly whispered out, "Okay." to the beefy woman behind you. You cringe slightly as you hear the low sound of you heavy hair falling into piles onto the ground beneath you. You hold your head forward, fighting against the tug on your hair, as she mercilessly cut it off.

After she had shortened your hair so that it was even with your chin, you sigh. You cleaned up the hair, not wanting to go home quite yet. "Go on home, (Name), I can clean this up." Gobber's rough voice instructs you, and you nod absentmindedly, your feet dragging you down the familiar path.

 You had dreaded going home because Hiccup loved your long hair, finding it very beautiful, and you didn't want to face him. The newly done hair tickled your jaw line, and you shake your head, finding it very light. It was no longer the heavy it had been, and was no longer able to hide you face.

"I'm home!" You announce to the seemingly empty house, sadness filling you when you remembered Stoic wasn't here, off on another dragon hunt, and Hiccup was probably off watching Astrid train again. "(Name)! Where were yo-" Hiccup's voice is cut off when he finally notices your considerably shorter hair. He walks closer, eyes critically inspecting the new do. His fingers delicately touch the ends, the warmth radiating from his skin ghosting against your blushing cheeks. Too soon, he pulls away. His face is unreadable as he stares blankly at you, and it stays that way for a few minutes. "I see you noticed my new hair cut!" You chirp with false joy, hoping to mask the dread in your stomach, "Do you like it?" He blinks owlishly, as though finally realizing he had yet to give his opinion on it.

"Um, yeah. It's, uh, it's good. I just didn't except you to cut it, that's all." He tells you, though his beautiful green eyes are still watching your hair, as though not really sure. "Yep! It had been getting in my way in the shop, and Gobber thought it might have been a good time to finally just cut it all off!" Hiccup nods, moving like a zombie to the kitchen, mostly likely to start dinner.

*End of flashback*

You shiver, not wanting to remember. Hiccup had acted strange for the next few days, not really sure how to act. But, eventually, he got back to being his regular, perfect, and adorable self. You turn your head to the stairs, hearing the familiar treading from Hiccup's feet sounding from the steps. His feet appear, continuing on to his legs, then torso, and finally the best part, his freckled cute face.

"I made breakfast, Sleepy Head!" Your voice rings out, reaching his ears. He smiles his stunning smile at you, the slightest of dimples appearing on his cheeks. "Hurry up, or else we'll be late for dragon training!" You smile confidently at him, hoping to cheer him up.

*Time skip to the Dragon Arena*

You watch Hiccup as he enters the short, dark tunnel for the Dragon arena. You watch as his shoulders sag, a soft and depressed sigh finding it's way out from between his baby pink lips. Your lips pucker slightly in a pout, worrying clouding your judgement as you pick up your speed.

"Hiccup, what's the matter?" You ask him, voice soft in reassurance and eyes darkened in anxious worry. You hear the other teen Vikings ahead of you both, talking about scars. Hiccup sighs once more, muttering an excuse, before brushing off your hands on his shoulder.

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