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(Name) smiles, humming her approval of such a name for a gorgeous creature. "You are so beautiful, Raven." Said dragon began to purr even deeper, her eyes closed in pleasure. "How old are you?" Raven opens her mouth to answer, but (Name) is already speaking once more. "Wow! You're my age!" (Name) exclaims joyfully, gently poking each thing* just connected to her Night Fury's neck. (*I don't know what they're called)

As (Name) is petting Raven, Raven suddenly stops purring. She rolls onto her feet, wings extended with a plasma blast building up in her throat. "What's th-" Before (Name) can even finish her sentence, she sees what is making Her Dragon angry. Standing at the shadow's edge is a tall, golden Changling with amber colored eyes. The adult Changling stalked forward, it's own mouth and wings extended as far as it could reach.

"What iss it that you want with Our Sspeaker, Fury?" The usually warm and chuckling voice was now sharp and cold, invoking a rather enormous spike of emotion inside of the Night Fury. "'Your Sspeaker?!'" Raven demanded in outrage, her pupils nothing but small slits as she glared fiercely at the dragon that dare claim Her Human as HIS?! (Name) was Her Rider! "Sshe iss not yourss, Changling! Sshe iss Mine!" The young, irrational dragon hissed protectively, her claws extending even farther from her paws(?).

(Name), unknowing as to why this was happening, decided to do what she does best. She decided to use her talent with dragons to calm them both down. "Whoa, Raven; settle yourself, Thorn." When neither dragon looked like they would comply, she decided on a more forceful approach. "Stop growling right now!" That definetely got their attention.

"Now, I am going to allow you both to explain yourselves as to why you nearly attacked one another." (Name) told them, plopping herself down on a large boulder with her arms crossed over her chest. The stern expression on her soft face puts them off, apprehension filling them as they watch her grow impatient. "Thiss Changling attempted to claim you ass hissss own!" Raven hissed out indignantly, acting immensely like an oversized child. "No I didn't! I simply didn't want you to be attacked by a rogue Night Fury!" Thorn growled out with equal malice, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"I would never attack My Human!" Screeched an outraged Raven, her wings extending slightly- not unlike a cat's fur poofing out when angered. "Calm down!" (Name) raised her voice ever so slightly, watching with smug satisfaction as both dragons settled into silence soon after. "Thorn, it turns out that Raven," she places a hand on said dragon's snout, "is My Dragon." Thorn's amber eyes widened, staring at the less-likely-too-attack-relaxed Raven. "And Raven." The short haired girl turns to Her Dragon. "Thorn is my friend, the first dragon that I've ever spoken to."

*Time Skip*

It had taken a while, but she managed to get both dragons to calm down and not attempt to kill each other. Thorn left, having to go back to his family before light left. Now, she sat on the same boulder, listening to Raven speak of how she came to Berk, the ways that her father and mother died in a fight protecting her. They had gone against a dozen Monsturous Nightmares and died from their wounds while the last Nightmare flew off with barely any life left.

(Name) told Raven of how her own family died, stories of being raised by Stoick alongside Hiccup; (Name) blushed with embarrassment of Raven asking, quite bluntly, if Hiccup was (Name)'s "Mate". She had, taking several minutes due to her stuttering, denied it, saying that they weren't "Mates" but simply friends. When (Name) spoke with extreme distaste of Astrid, Raven had wondered if this human had stolen Her Human's "Mate" away from her. (Name) sadly told her that, no, Astrid wasn't Hiccup's "Mate" but Hiccup wished Astrid and him were "Mates". Then and there, on that very moment, as Raven watched Her Human wipe her eyes, Raven swore a promise. She would do everything to allow Her Human to be with her "Mate", and to remove- literally or metaphorically- that other human girl.

A\N I know it's short, but the next chapter should be up extremely soon. There, Hiccup will start to become noticeably distant towards (Name) that something horrible will become a result of it.

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