Meeting Toothless

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3rd P.O.V.

A beautiful black dragon, a Night Fury, lies on it's side, the rope trapping it from moving. It watches you, it's beautiful green pupils in slits, eyeing you distrustfully. You smile gently, slowly pulling out your knife. It catches the movement and its eyes glare at you with hate. "Don't worry, young one, I am going to set you free." Your voice is soft and kind, but strong at the same time. Usually you are shy, but when it came to protecting your loved ones and helping dragons, you were nothing but fierce and bold. The dragon opens it mouth and, to the normal person, growls. But to your ears, it sounded like words. "Stay away from me, human!"

From a very young age, (Name) had been able to talk to dragons. She had discovered this power when she came across a baby dragon when she was four years old. (Name) had never been afraid of dragons, instead she found them fascinating. So when she saw the baby, she didn't flee in fear. She listened to it. But, instead of growls like she expected, she heard a voice. It was rough and dangerous sounding, but also was childlike.

"I will not stay away. I am going to free you, young one." The dragon's head jerks back in surprise, not expecting her to be able to understand him. He stutters out, "Y-You c-c-can unders-stand me?" She nods her head at the dragon. It looks at her in complete awe. Every dragon regardless of its species had heard of her. Well, not her specifically, but they had heard of the legends. The legends that had been passed down from generation to generation.

(Name) showed the dragon her blade and spoke evenly, "I am going to cut these ropes. You can decide what to do after that." The dragon looks at her, shock that she had complete faith that he wouldn't hurt her. Just as her blade was about to snap through one, they heard a rustling sound. (Name) stood up, glancing around worriedly. She leans down to the dragon and whispers in its ear, "I have to go. I can't allow anyone in my village to know my secret."

The dragon, despite fear of what was to come, nodded and sadly watched her go. He watched her quietly sneak to the edge of the light, just inside of the shadows so that no one can see her. (Name) watches as a familiar freckled face appears over the ridge. She can almost hear him gasp in fear and surprise before dropping back down. She watches as his face pops back up, cautiously watching the dragon. He hurriedly pulls out his tiny knife, carefully sneaking down to a large boulder. "Oh wow. I- I did it! This fixes everything!" Hiccup walks forward and places his foot on the dragon. "I have brought down this mighty beast!"

The dragon moves its arm, not liking how Hiccup had his foot on him. You wave at the dragon, hoping to get its attention. You, luckily, after Hiccup talks for a few minutes. You notice that he has begun to cut the ropes, glancing behind him in case someone came. You point to Hiccup and shake your head no to the dragon, telling it that he was to not harm Hiccup. The dragon nods subtly before resuming to pretend to be tense. As the last rope snaps, the dragon rushes onto Hiccup, pinning him to the boulder. He glares at Hiccup, before roaring fiercely at him, but doesn't shoot any fire at Hiccup.

Hiccup shakily gets up, watching where the dragon had flown away. You giggle to yourself when you watch him fall to the ground. After a few minutes, he goes back to the village. You debate to yourself on if you should follow Hiccup or meet up with your new found friend. You go for the latter and you rush to the general direction of where he had flown off to.

You watch him, trapped in a small valley like place. There is a large pond for food and a small place just big enough for a small enough human to squeeze through. You call out to him, "Dragon!" and watches as he faces you. You climb through the maze, skillfully and gracefully landing on your feet. "What is the problem? Why aren't you flying away?" He glares at the water, not answering. After about ten minutes of silence, he finally breaks. "Your friend," he spat the word as though it was a disease, "snagged my tail on something when he caught me. I can't fly away now." You gasp and look at his tail, finally noticing that part of his tail wing was, indeed, gone. You muffle a cry before petting the dragon, hoping to console him. He stays frozen, not expecting the contact, before giving in and purring like a cat. You hit that hit that special spot, the one that you know no dragon can resist. He falls to the ground in joy, still purring away.

You laugh at his silly actions, before catching your breath. He watches you smile, his mouth stretching out to try and do the same. You stare at his gums in amazement, knowing that he had teeth earlier. "I know what I should call you! Toothless!" He turns his head to the side, finding the name curious. But he nods, agreeing to it.

*Time Skip of two hours*

You had been talking to Toothless forever before you noticed what time it was. You had said a hasty goodbye and left, running home. When you got there, Hiccup sat on the stairs, head on his knees and hands on his head. When he heard the front door open he jumped up, instantly finding you. He grins sadly at you before saying words that you wished to never hear. "My Dad said that we are both to report to dragon training with the other Vikings. You, despite panicking on the inside, calmly nod and walks to the kitchen. "I'm making dinner."

"We start in the morning. So we have to be up bright and early." You nod, hoping that your uneasiness isn't as obvious to you as his is to you.

*Another Time Skip, I know. I'm a jerk*

You two had finished eating dinner and you both put up the dishes. You said good night, that you were turning in. He nods and departs, going to his own room. When you go to your room, with the door securely shut, you got on your knees and began to pray. To every god and goddess, praying that Stoic would come back safely and that Hiccup would survive dragon training.

Author's Note: I know what some people are gonna say about you and Toothless bonding like that. I know that it was much too fast, but I have a perfectly good reason to why you got along that quickly with him. And, if not in the next chapter then soon, you will be meeting your own dragon! I hope to see you all again soon.
Love, Angel!

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