History Reborn

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‘Char, if you didn’t want to come to the game with me, you could of just told me, you didn’t have to go get stitches in your head and be put in hospital,’ Phoenix joked as he entered the room, the sound of his deep voice pulled me out of my brain fart. I laughed and ran may hand over the side of the bed, inviting him to sit.

‘I’m sorry,’ I smiled as he sat down next to me.

‘No, it’s alright,’ He swallowed ‘How are you?’ His eyes flicked up to the patch that covered the back of my head and he smiled nervously.

‘Yeah, I’ll be alright,’ I grinned touching the bandage gently, ‘just a few stitches. It’ll take more than this to keep me down!’

Phoenix shook his head at me, ‘You have never been one to take your injuries seriously, but maybe this time you should actually wait until they are healed before turning all ‘Bull-at-a-gate’ again.’

‘Hey, that was one time, and I wasn’t about to let you have all the fun now, was I?’

Phoenix laughed.

He was talking about the New-years party a few months back. Before I got transferred to this bakery, Kat and Phoenix had a ‘thing’, I call it a ‘thing’ because both of them claimed nothing was going on but the way they looked at each other, you could tell there was defiantly something.


Kat had moved here and it had been months since I had seen her, it felt like years! I honestly don’t know how we did it, but we managed. Somehow I had convinced my mother to let me go and visit her for new years! It was for a week, not long but still, long enough.

We were all at Kat’s fancy place on the outskirts of town, a nice 3 bedroom suite with a view overlooking the city. We had been drinking and were feeling pretty wild and reckless, as you do. So we decided to play truth or dare. Typical stupid thing to do, and very childish considering but hey, we were bored.

It was on the third round and I had just dared Kat to spit out the window of her apartment; I am terrible at giving dares; so it was her go. She decided instead of asking me, to change the game completely. What we did was, one by one; attempt to slide down the stair case handrail. It sounded easy enough and looked it too, I mean, at least one person does it in every movie we watch so, yeah, we decided we should give it a whirl!

Kat went first, clearly by how easily she done it, she had done it before. She sat with her legs on one side and arms out, balancing her, she slid and fell off landing gracefully. Taking a small, cocky bow, she called out to me. My turn.

I looked at the narrow angle of the bar and swallowed. I jumped up and copied the way she had sat. Legs one side, arms out. I told Phoenix to give me a little push and he did, my heart was pounding with adrenaline and I got about half way before wobbling and panicking.  I kicked my legs out to stable myself but instead of stabling I fell backward, landing on my arm and cracking my head hard on the ground.

It automatically made me black out but I was only gone for a few seconds. Coming to I saw that Kat and Phoenix where hovering over me. I shooed them and made sure Phoenix had his go. Even when Kat insisted I went home, I soldiered on, even with my new cuts on my arm, I was not about to let the night end. I did complain a little at first bus when we played chicken with the cars, the pain vanished and we continued on with our crazy night.

‘Do you remember what happened that night, Phoenix?’ Kat’s sweet voice pulled me back to the present in time for me to see them exchange secret looks.

‘Of course I do,’ He smiled at her as she moved to my side, next to him ‘It was one of the best nights ever, even if this little shithead burnt me!’ His eyes were back on me and he flicked my nose

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2013 ⏰

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