Chapter 238.

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Songs for this chapter are:

You and I- One Direction

Right now- One Direction

Half a Heart- One Direction

Chase Me - Emiliy Rae on youtube (she's a reader and her song is really awesome!)


Tessa's POV.

After spending half of my afternoon on the phone with Hardin and getting close to no actual work done, my first day at the new office is over and I wait patiently for Trevor to meet me near my office, as he promised.

Hardin was so calm earlier, he sounded so clear, as if he was focused on something. Standing here, I cannot contain my happiness that we are  still communicating, it is so much better than when we avoided each other before. Deep down, I know that it won't continue to be this easy, talking this way, teasing myself with small doses of Hardin when in reality I want him, all of him, all the time. I want him here with me, holding me, kissing me, making me laugh.

This must be what denial feels like.

I'm fine with that for now. It feels pretty good compared to my other option, sadness.

I sigh and lay my head back against the wall as I continue to wait. I am beginning to wish that I hadn't asked Trevor to spend time with me, I would rather be at Kimberly's house talking on the phone to Hardin.  I wish he would have just come here, he could be the one meeting me here instead. He could have an office close to mine, he could come by my office multiple times a day, and in between those times, I could make excuses to go to his. I'm sure Mr. Vance would give Hardin a job if he wanted one. He made it clear that he wanted Hardin to work for him again at the old office.

We could spend our lunch hour together, maybe even recreate some of the memories from the times when Hardin visited my other office. Just as I begin picturing Hardin behind me, me bent down over the top of my desk, my hair wrapped tightly around his fist...

"Sorry I'm a little late, my meeting ran over." Trevor interrupts and I jump in both surprise and embarrassment.

"Oh, uhm, it's okay. I was just.." I tuck my hair behind my ear and swallow, "waiting." If only he knew what I was thinking, thank goodness he doesn't have a clue. I'm not sure where those thoughts even came from.

He inclines his head the other way, peering down the empty hallway. "Are you ready to go?"


We make small talk as we walk through the building. Nearly everyone has left for the day, leaving the hallways quiet. He tells me about his brother's new job in Ohio and how he went shopping for a new suit to wear to our co-worker Krystal's wedding next month. Idly, I wonder just how many suits Trevor owns. He wears one every day to work.

I follow behind Trevor's BMW as he drives through the crowded city and finally we arrive in the small neighborhood named Ballard, according to Google, it's one of the hippest neighborhood's in Seattle. Coffee shops, vegan restaurants, and hipster bars line the narrow streets. I pull my car into the parking garage and laugh to myself while remembering Trevor's offer to help me find an apartment in this pricey building.

"I just need to change, obviously." Trevor smiles, gesturing to his suit.

I nosily glance around the expansive living room inside Trevor's apartment. Pictures of family and clipped articles fill picture frames on his mantle, empty wine bottles melted and molded into an intricate display piece takes up the entire coffee table. Not a trace of dust is collected in any of the corners. I'm impressed.

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