Chapter 295.

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Songs for the final chapter are:

 I'm a Mess- Ed Sheeran

Never Say Never- The Fray

Look After You- The Fray

Drop in the Ocean- Ron Pope

Poison and Wine- The Civil Wars 

Never Let me Go- Florence and The Machine

Tessa's POV.

"You are absolutely stunning, such a beautiful bride," Karen gushes. I nod, agreeing with her. I adjust the straps on my own gown and look back into the mirror. 

"He is going to be so stricken. I still can't believe how fast this day has come," I smile. 

"What if I trip? What if he doesn't show at the altar." 

"He will, Ken drove him to the church this morning." Karen laughs, reassuring the two of us.

"He wouldn't miss this for world." I promise.

"I sure hope not. I will be really pissed." LIam's bride lets out a nervous laugh. Her smile is so lovely, even with anxiety buzzing beneath the surface of the beauty, she's holding herself together quite well. 

My fingers gently brush over her dark curls, adjusting the sheer veil on her head. I glance at her beautiful face in the mirror and lift my hand to touch her bare shoulder. Her brown eyes are filled with tears and she's chewing nervously on her lower lip. 

"It wil be fine, you'll be fine." I promise. The silver of my dress shines under the light and I admire the beauty of every detail behind this wedding. 

"Is it too soon? We've only been back together for a few months. Do you think it's too soon, Tessa?" My friend asks me. I've grown so close with her in the past two years, I could sense something was off when her fingers were trembling as she helped me zip my bridesmaid's gown. 

"It's not too soon. You two have been through so much in the last year alone. You're just over thinking this." I comfort her. "I know a thing or two about that," I smile.

"Are you nervous to see him?" She asks, eyes searching my face. 

Yes. Terrified. Completely and utterly panicked inside. 

"No, I'll be okay. It's been so long," I look at Karen who has her eyes focused on the floor in front of her.

"Too long," Liam's mother says under her breath.  My heart grows heavy and I press back the distant ache that accompanies every thought surrounding him.

I swallow the words I could and maybe should say. "Can you believe that your only son is getting married today?" I quickly change the subject. My distraction works like magic and she smiles, squeals, and begins to tear up at once. 

"Oh, my makeup will be a mess." She pats her fingertips under her eyes and her light brown hair moves with her as she shakes her head.

A knock at the door silences the three of us. "Honey?" Ken's voice is soft and cautious. Walking into the bride's room full of emotional women will do that to a man. 

"Abby just woke from her nap," Ken tells his wife as he opens the door, his daughter on his hip. Her dark brown hair and bright green eyes are striking, lighting up every room the little girl enters. "I can't seem to find the diaper bag." 

"It's over there, next to that chair." She points. "Could you feed her? I'm afraid she will throw mashed peas at my dress," Karen laughs. "Terrible two's have come a little early for us." Karen reaches for Abby and the little girl smiles, showing a full row of tiny teeth. 

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