Chapter 9

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*Back in the New York Apartment*

"The firewall's down. Do they know about this?" Henley asks us as Danny smashes Dylan's Blackberry phone and I cringe and make a squeak of protests at the destruction of technology.

"They Who?" Danny asks as he goes to grab things that we need to destroy.

" 'They', 'them', whoever we're working for" Henley describes.

"Who are we working for?" Merritt says holding a bunch of the old plans we had already used. "And are we prepared to go to jail for them?"

"I would assume it's the Eye because of us being all magicians," I yell out grabbing some of the final plans for the next and final show, "and Jack I'm sure that we won't go to jail, as long as we stick to the plan, WHICH I HAVEN'T BEEN TOLD YET" I yell out not exactly knowing what we were doing to escape the FBI currently heading our way only the show plans were what I was focused on.

"Stop being paranoid you two" Danny tells us and I glare at him slightly.

"I would love to if you told me what the hell we are doing so I'm not going in blinded by this!"

"It really does happen" Merritt responds after I yell at Danny.

"It happened to you. Doesn't mean it's gonna happen to us" Danny says to Merritt.

"How about we just stop arguing then we can do this faster!" I remark at them getting frustrated myself.

"Guys, I don't know if I can do this, all right. I don't want to go to jail, you know?" Jack says and Danny must of finally gotten fed up turning around to face him.

"Then don't screw up. You're always talking about wanting to be treated like an adult. Now might be a good time to start acting like one." Danny says and I smack his arm. "Stick to the plan. Stay here and burn it all."

"Stop being rude, Jack whatever this plan is it should work" I say calmer trying to calm down and act level headed.

"I don't know what I'm doing here" Merritt mutters from one of the corners grabbing things.

Danny of course has to make a comment over it too, "I don't know what you would do anywhere else."

"I'm here for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That's it. Then I'm gone" Merritt speaks up and I groan at them arguing again.

"You can do whatever you want when this is over Merritt. But until then, you stick to the plan" Henley speaks up.

"Can we not throw insults and arguments when the FBI could literally be here any second" I say literally like 'lit-erally' making everyone look at me funny. "Guess forget about how I say words funnily to you and get this stuff together, unless one of you want to tell me the plan now?" I say trying to keep everyone on task without arguments.

"Would love to tell you Harmony, but they're here, I'll tell you once we get ready to do it." Danny says as he peaks through the blinds and I just roll my eyes grabbing a couple more papers that seemed to be for the final act shoving it in my bag with my laptop.

"Fine, but you better tell me, I don't like being in the dark and I already have the whole safe thing figured out and it's already ready." I mutter.


"Okay. Let's do it" Merritt says as we make our way out of the apartment and into the hallway and down to the garbage shoot.

"Ladies first" Merritt says holding it open and Henley and I give him a 'really' look.

I end up going, followed by Henley, Danny, then Merritt pulling up the rear. "Are we sure it was okay to leave Jack behind" I say biting my lip hoping that whatever their plan was goes accordingly.

We make our way to get a taxi as Danny was hailing one and I hear clicking of cameras as well as a van in the corner of my eyes but 'look without looking' taking notice that it was Thaddeus Bradley there getting pictures of us for whatever game he was playing and I hiss out as soon as we get in the taxi making Danny give me a strange look.

"What?" he asks and I turn around slightly to peak back where we were.

"Not only was the FBI here, Thaddeus was here too, I noticed him taking pictures...No matter what some cameras aren't quite and they chose ones that weren't quiet at all. Now are you going to tell me the plan or not?" I say sweetly looking at Danny whose eyes go wide looking at Henley and Merritt as if wanting them to tell me not himself but notices that isn't what's going to happen and sighs.

'Fine, once we get where we need to get then I'll tell you" Danny says and I huff in annoyance.


When we finally got to where we need to go Danny basically rushed everything telling me to stick with Merritt in the huge bus with the fake car and a decoy body in it and stay there while he and Henley would take the other taxi that was there to do a basic shift so the cars would be able to be switched.

"And why does Jack have to be the one to do this!" I complain not wanting Jack to get hurt because of how dangerous this could really be.

"Because, we thought it best for him to do it seeing as his card was death" Merritt explains and I just pace the bus as Merritt drives it onto the 59th street bridge.

"Guys we have a problem" I hear Danny over a radio and glance at Merritt.

"What's the problem?" I ask hesitantly.

"Jack said the plans that we needed to plant in the decoy wasn't place in there at all" Danny says and I groan but shuffle through my bags hoping I picked them up

"Uh the ones about the safe right! Cause I've got a copy here, do I need to go plant them in the decoy car?" I ask looking at the decoy car attached to the bus. "I could plant them, but it's going to be close" I say biting my lip.

"Fine, just be careful!" I hear Henley yell out and I grab the papers and look at Merritt but grab an earpiece so I could still communicate with everyone.

"Open the door, I'll climb over to the car and get it in there" I tell him and he does so.

I carefully climb over to where the decoy car was sliding in through the open side window and place the paper in the already dead body's hand, and buckling myself in out of habit. "Gosh this is freaking me out" I mumble forgetting everyone could hear me over the coms.

"Chill out, but you are going to have to pull another stunt as Jack is already almost ready to switch!" I hear Merritt say from my ear.

"WHAT!" I yell out and trying to breath. "Alright, what do I need to do?" I ask my heart pounding in my chest.

"When they go to switch Jack should have a few seconds to grab you if you reach out for him" I hear Danny explain.

"Right grab Jack don't let go, simple" I say trying to remain calm.

"Get ready!" Danny yells at me through the coms and I go to unbuckle my seatbelt and panic when it doesn't want to pull out.

"Uh...problem my seatbelt won't unlatch!" I say panicky.

"What, why did you even buckle up!" I hear Danny yell back.

"It's a habit, I'm sorry if I want to feel safe!" I yell back out to him. "Just go I'll figure it out, if not, well just don't think of it okay!" I say back trying not to cry a bit knowing that this probably wasn't going to work at all.

Once Jack was just about ready to switch and moved the car over and did the reach I once again pulled and pushed the release of the seatbelt making it do the noise but not unlock and cry out frustrated as I close my eyes waiting for the impact knowing it was going to come as the car flips numerous times but with the seat belt I was basically stuck in one place not being able to get too shaken around maybe a few cuts and stuff, then the car goes into some smoke, and I hear someone rush up to it.

I start coughing and make the water works go on as I hear the footsteps pretending to shake 'Jack' "Jack, c'mon wake up" I try to say and end up breathing in smoke and coughing.

"Harmony!" I hear Dylan yell out and I glance up. "Seatbelt is stuck" I say coughing more tears falling down my face, "Jack..."

"Get back, Get back!" I hear the other FBI officer yell out as I hear a knife come out and fell Dylan cutting the seatbelt on me pulling me out and I protest.

"But Jack!" I yell out acting distressed also feeling some blood drip down my head but Dylan just sets me down a little away from the car before the other officer races up to him.

"Dylan, let's go, man!" he tells him as I notice Dylan struggling to get 'Jack' out. "Leave him! There's nothing you can do!" I hear and I burst into sobs trying to act as if it was Jack even though I knew it wasn't.

Dylan grabbed the papers that were there as he gets pulled away from the burning car, "Let's go! Let's go! Come on!" Dylan then grabs me pulling me with them as the car explodes and I cry out in pain and horror as if I was terrified that it was Jack.

"No." I mutter everything getting blurry.
"Harmony? Harmony! No don't closer your eyes you got to keep them open, you could have a concussion because of that!" I hear but just shake my head.

"What's the point? Your still going to arrest me" I mutter before everything goes black.
~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. So here it is...don't kill me, I'll post chapter 10 next weekish? Hopefully I have time seeing as I start college up again next Monday August 29th 2016

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