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"NOOO!" I screamed as I slammed on the breaks, making the car screech to a stop.

I un-done my seat belt and jumped out the car immediately.

"APRIL WAIT!" I heard Louis shout my name but I was already running towards the burning car.

I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't think much of it as I knew it would be the boys following me.

I neared the car but as I was about to step closer someone behind me grabbed my arm and pulled me back to them. I looked up and saw it was Louis.

"Louis please..." I cried as tears started falling down my cheeks.

"His going to be fine but you cant get close to the car because its on fire and we don't want you to get hurt too" Louis explained and I nodded but the tears still wouldn't stop.

"Guys I cant see him!" Niall called as Liam and Zayn agreed.

Louis and I looked at them and saw them looking round the car but not seeing him as they shook their heads at us. I didn't know what else to do but cry even more.

"Wait what's that?" Louis called from above me.

He let me go and walked towards a tree that was a couple metres away from the car. We all followed in his footsteps behind. Louis must've saw movement as he walked closer and closer.

"Harry!" He shouted out and started running towards him.

We all ran over as well, seeing Harry laying up against the tree. His eyes closed with cuts and bruises forming all over his arms and face.

"Harry..." I whispered, dropping to my knees beside him and grabbing his hand. "Is he alright?"

"His still breathing but barely. We need to get him out of here now!" Louis announced grabbing Harry and putting his arm round Harry's waist.

Zayn grabbed the other side of Harry as they both carried him to the car. Niall, Liam and I ran towards the car. I opened the back door and got in, Louis laying Harry down so his head hit my lap. I was in too much shock to drive so Liam decided he would. Niall and Louis jumped in the back with me, laying Harry on top of their legs while Zayn sat in the front.

"Go straight to the hospital!" Louis called as he kept checking Harry's pulse.

I looked down at his face and continued to cry. I couldn't stop, knowing he did this to keep me safe as well as knowing he could die right now.

His face looked so peaceful as he laid here in my lap. He had cuts and bruises all over his face from the fall. I looked down to his arms and saw his arms had a few cuts but that wasn't what started to worry me. His white shirt was nearly all red in the middle and that had nothing to do with his face or arms. I pulled his top up slightly and saw a deep cut in his gut.

"Guys we need to hurry up! His losing a lot of blood, look" I said getting all the boys attention.

They all looked at the deep cut in his gut and I left the car go faster as Liam stepped on it more. They all looked worried as I put Harry's top back down and told Louis to put pressure on where the cut was to try and stop the bleeding.

"Please be alright Harry. Please" I whispered in his ear as I kissed his forehead, continuing to stroke his hair softly.


"Family of Harry Styles?" The doctor came out of the hallway and as soon as he said Harry's name we all stood up.

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