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"Harry you need to stay in bed!" I shouted at him as I saw him making his way down the stairs.

"April I've been in bed for three days now! I'm fine!" He argued back but I didn't care.

"The doctor said you need to rest!"

"Yes for a couple of days, I've done that! Now let me actually see the outside world!" He moaned and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Stop acting childish!"

"Says the one who wont let me do anything."

We both stood in front of each other with our arms crossed over our chests, both too suborn to argue with the other.

After the accident Harry said it would be best to stay somewhere else instead of his mums house. I don't know why he suddenly felt weird about being there but we all agreed none the least. Staying at Anne's would bring them to her, which we didn't want to happen. So we packed and left to go to my house in Kent. William however stayed with Anne until we knew it would be safe for him to be around us again.

"Where are the boys anyway?" Harry asked, ignoring my glare as he walked past me into the kitchen.


"Really I would've never guessed"

His sarcasm was getting worst over these couple of days.

"Can you please just go back upstairs and rest, I'll bring you a tea" I suggested but he just rolled his eyes at me as he turned his back to me.

"I'm fin-"

"I don't care if you feel fine Harry! I want you to rest for today at least!" I interrupted him.

"Why? I need to be helping you guys! Why's it so important that I rest!" He groaned, keeping his back to me.

"Because you nearly died Harry and I cant lose you right now when everything is going on! It's important you rest because I want to make sure you are truly fine before anything else happens! You can help us by helping yourself, please" I choked out, holding my tears back.

God I had been crying so much lately. I was definitely not the same girl from six years ago, I had gone back to normal me.

"Ok, ok." He spoke calmly, now walking towards me.

When he reached me, his hands cupped my face making me look him in the eyes.

"I'll go rest, on one condition." He whispered and I sighed.


"You come with me."

I stared at him for a while, looking into his eyes to see if he was joking or not.

"Ok..." I whispered, finally giving in.

Harry's hands left my face and grabbed my hand, entwining out hands. He dragged me with him, upstairs and towards the room he was staying in. He let go off my hand as he got in his cover, sitting up against the head board waiting for me to get in.

I didn't get in straight away as I was wearing jeans and a top, I knew I wouldn't be comfortable. I looked around his room and saw one of his white tops laying on the floor. I walked towards it, grabbing it in my hands all the while Harry watched me closely. With my back to Harry, I grabbed the end of my top and through it over my head before putting Harry's on. I un-done my jeans and left them in a pile on the floor before turning round in just my underwear and Harry's top. I walked towards the bed, not caring that Harry was still watching my every move. I lifted the cover up and got inside, laying next to Harry, who was now laying flat on his back with his head turned towards me, with inches between us.

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