Ogres and Unicorn Shit

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"I have a bad feeling about this." For once Jack was actually hesitating to do something, but I don't blame him.

"Just put your hood on and don't make eye contact with anyone or anything." Since Jack took my necklace I have nor wings nor cape, but I'm familiar with these woods, I'm mostly concerned that Jack might do something stupid.

"Okay lets go." I walk in the dark,damp forest. We walk in silent. "Look for a purple tree." I whisper to Jack, as crazy as it sounds. I step on a twig and it makes a loud " CRUNCH" and I hear crows fly away from the trees they were carefully observing at.

"Uh Ha-Hazel." Jack was talking shakily so I looked back and there I stood a 15 feet tall ogre. Green rubbery skin a dirty face and smelling clothing.

"Yummy girl and boy, me want eat!" The ogre grabbed for me and Jack but he was still frozen in awe. I tugged on his arm and dragged him,running through the crooked forest. I tripped and Jack fell. My face planted the dark dirt. The ogre had picked him up and he was hanging from his feet, he dropped his staff, so he couldn't freeze him. I grabbed for my arrow and prepared for aim. But then something flung me into the air and I was upside down held by another ogre.

"Nice Lunch, Yum Yum." I dropped my bow and arrows on the ground. Me and Jack tried to struggle loose but it was no use.


A familiar voice! It was Eleanor!

We crashed to the ground,and the ogres made there way back to the forest. I collected my bow and arrows and ran over to my older sister. I gave her a big hug even though she hates hugs.

"Hey hey hey! Not a hugger!"

She had a basket and some jars,must've been out collecting herbs.

"Nice to see you again lil sis." She gave me a noogie, which I extremely hate.

"So who's this? Your boyfriend?"

I face palmed and sighed. "Why does everyone ask me that."

Jack just stood there awkwardly, with a bit of red crossing his cheeks. "I'll deal with you later." My sister pointed at Jack, but he just shrugged and gave me a confused face but, I gestured him to join me and my sister as we walked back to her cottage.

When we got there smoke was spilling out of the chimney. The door creaked open and there was a mess of random books,pages and jars filled with the most unusual things.

"Sorry I have a bit of a mess here, I was trying to recreate my invisibility potion."

"So your like an evil witch that turns people into frogs." Jack said sarcastically as he observed the papers,books and contents in the jar.

"Ha, nice joke! Well then again I could but hey, were am I gonna find a princess."My sister was clearing the table that was an absolute mess of mushrooms,strange contents and of course plants and herbs.

"Arn't witches suppose to be ugly and have green skin and warts and a huge pointy nose, cause you don't have anything like that. In fact I would say you don't look that bad." Jack was making his way over to the table. I hated how he was complementing my sister, I know I'm being jealous but I have every right to be! He kissed me twice, well I guess 1 and a half. But still! I cross my arms and walk away from the table where Jack is standing and I pretend to read a book.

"Thanks but your girlfriend over there is getting a little jealous." Eleanor says jokingly. I see Jack grin and quietly laugh in the refection of a window. My angry and jealousy burst out. "I AM NOT JEALOUS FOR ALL I CARE HE CAN GO AHEAD AND COMPLIMENT YOU ALL HE WANTS BECAUSE HONESTLY I DON'T GIVE A SHIT." I practically yelled.

My sister didn't even twitch she just laughed and gave me the 'oh really'. "Then why did you walk away from Jack and pretend to read that book."

"For your information I was reading this book." I said glaring at her. Oh how I hate her so much.

"First of all that book is written in Icelandic,which you can't read cause you failed to learn when I tried to teach you and second I spent 298 years with you so don't tell me that your not jealous its clearly written all over your face, now quite being a 5 year old and get over it." Eleanor bothered me so bad, sometimes that I wish I could just dump her into a pot and feed her to the wolves.

She made me look like an idiot in front of Jack. Who is standing there trying to not show his laugh and grin. I was just so pissed I walked straight out the door,but I came back and yelled " HAVE FUN YOU PIECES OF UNICORN SHIT!" Then slammed the door which I'm pretty sure almost fell off.

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