Mean part 2

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enchantedklaine15 RainbowCamacho

"Kurt! I can't believe you're dating a badboy!" Rachel sighed, "A badboy!"

"We'll talk about this later." Kurt pecked Blaine's lips as Rachel continued to rant about how inappropriate it was for Kurt to date a badboy.

"Kurt!" Rachel whined, "Why aren't you listening to me? You can't date a badboy!"

"I can and I will. I've been dating him for about 8 months now and I'm not going to let a-"

"8 months?" Mercedes shrieked, "How could you keep this from me for 8 months?"

"How could you keep it from me?" Rachel gasped, "We're best friends!"

"Uh, no, bitch. White Boy is my boo."

"I've known him for longer!"

"He likes me more!"

"No, he likes me more!"

"He told me himself that I'm his best friend!"

"He told me the same thing!"

"Do something!" Santana waved a hand in front of Kurt's face.

"What? Why me?

"Because they're arguing over you."

Kurt glanced back at his boyfriend who was staring amusedly at the girls who were still arguing.

"My best friend!"

"My best friend!"

"He's my best friend!"

"Nope. My best friend!"

"No he's-"

"Oh my god, shut up!" Kurt yelled, silencing the girls as they turned to stare at Kurt, "Seriously, at this rate I'm not gonna be anyone's best friend."


"No." Kurt interrupted Rachel.


Kurt shook his head when Mercedes began speaking.

"Moving on." Puck frowned at the girls before turning his attention onto Blaine, "Why're you dating Hummel?"

"Umm, because I am?"

"Do you love him?"

"Yeah..." Blaine blushed.

"Aww, you guys are adorable." Puck cooed.

"Are you alright, man?" Finn frowned at his best friend.

"Never been better." Puck grinned.

"Right, guys." Mr. Schue clapped his hands together, "We need to practise this song."

"Oh, I can't right now. I have to go."

"What? Why?"

"Because me and Blaine have something very serious to talk about."

Kurt had grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him out of the auditorium before Mr. Schue could respond.


"It's not a big deal, Kurt." Blaine sighed.

"It is a big deal! He cou-"

"Kurt," Blaine groaned, "We've been talking about this for over an hour now. Can't you just drop it?"

"No, Blaine. I can't just drop it." Kurt rolled his eyes, "He could kill you."

"He could kill me? Do you even hear yourself? He's my father! He wouldn't kill me!"

"He might! He could come home one day, completely drunk off of his mind and you could've forgotten to do something for him or he might just be generally angry and then-"

"Don't say it, Kurt!"

"He would reach into his-"

"I swear to god, Kurt. If you finish that sentence."

"Bedside table where I know he keeps that pocket knife and he could-"

"Kurt. Don't say it."

Kurt glanced up to meet Blaine's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Kurt squeaked, "I'm just so scared that one day he's going to hurt you so bad that-"

"He's my dad, Kurt! I know he has a rather messed up way of showing it, but he loves me! And I love him!"

"I guess I just don't understand how you can love someone like that."

"Sometimes I don't understand how I can love someone like you either!"

As soon as the words slipped out of Blaine's mouth his eyes widened and he slapped his hand over his mouth, staring at his boyfriend who had completely frozen.

"Kurt, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I- I didn't mean it, I swear. I just-"

"You just, what?" Kurt snapped.

"I just- God, I don't know. It just slipped out. I swear, I- I was angry and I-"

"No. Save it, Blaine." Kurt shook his head, "You know I thought you were different? Different than all the other guys I've ever met."

"I am-"

"How? How are you different?"

"Because the other guys don't love you the way I can!"

"Yeah, but you don't want to love me, do you?"

"Kurt." Blaine groaned, "I do love you! And I do want to love you! It just slipped out, I didn't mean it! It- it was just in the heat of the moment sort of thing."

"Yeah." Kurt nodded, "But I guess this is also just a heat of the moment sort of thing." Kurt shrugged before turning around and storming out of the Lima Bean.

"Kurt, wait!" Blaine cried before running after his boyfriend, not even sparing a glance towards the confused customers sat around the coffee shop.

"Goodbye, Blaine." Kurt called over his shoulder when he heard Blaine's fast approaching footsteps.

"Are you breaking up with me now or something?" Blaine yelled.

"No! I love you, I just need time alone."

"Kurt, please!" Blaine cried, watching as his boyfriend slammed his car door shut and drove out of the car park.

I don't think that's what you guys expected but oh well 😂

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