chapter three

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Lucies pov

What the hell has just happened? There is five boys looking at me and one of them is my brother. They all look away apart from Harry.

"what happened.."I almost whispered to them

"You passed out from crying Lucie, Are you ok? Are you hurt?"Harry starte shooting questions my way. I was not in the mood to answer questions or talk to anyone for that matter. I pulled my legs up to my chest and looked at the ground and let a single tear fall down my cheek.

"Lucie answer me please?"

I stayed quiet and didnt move either

"Lucie answer me now." i have never heard him use that tone before around me. I feel scared of him even though he said four words. After that the four annonomous boys walked out of the room and headed upstairs.

We were now alone, I was still looking to the ground and I could feel his eyes burning into my soul. It was so awkward that I could have died there and then.

"Please Lucie, Talk to me, why are you here? No offence I am glad you are here but what has happened why are you not with Brad?" At the sound of his name I burst out crying even harder than before.

Harry rushed to my side and pulled me into a hug. I have missed him so much, but I am intruding I should jut leave. harry was still clinging on to me.

"I am going to go Harry, I am sorry for intruding"I say as I stand up and start to walk over to the door. Then a feel someone pull my back by my arm and hol on to me tight.

"You are not going anywhere, you are not intruding, and you are definatly not going anywhere without telling me why you came here in the first place now sit and talk" He says as we sit down on the couch side by side.

"Well Bradley broke up with me..."I tell him everything apart from me cutting myself because he doesn need to know that and I dont want him to know either "So yeah and now I am homeless and I have all my stuff in the boot of my car and I live kn the streets now I guess..."I finish as his mouth is slightly open from shock then he closes it and then he opens it again.

"Lucie you are not homeless, you can live here with me and do not object because I am not asking you I am telling you ok?"He asks and I nod in response.

Suddenly the other boys walk in, in a single file line. They are all looking at me and smiling, what is going on? They all sit on the other couch and keep looking at me.

"So its Lucie right?"One of the brown haired boys say.

"Yup" I simply reply

"And your living here now"The blonde boy aske me


"So Harry whos room is she staying in, I have a nice big warm bed yano Lucie and I would happily share"Another brown haired boy said winking at me

"Dont even think about it Zayn. She is staying with me."Harry replied giving Zayn a death glare

"Thats weird why would you share a bed with your sister..."The first brown haired boy said

"Dont worry I will make sure I push him out anyway"I said laughing and winking at Harry, Everyone laughed apart from grumpy pants Harry.

I may like living here after all...


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