Chapter 13

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Keelan's POV

When I returned from the human realm I immediately called Nick, Caleb and Ben to meet me.

"What can we do for you, sire?" Ben asked.

"I want you to be my spies and go back into the human realm to search for Rose's mother. I heard she left her farm, because Henry forced them out and I want you to find her and return her here." They all nodded. I wanted to reunite Rose with her mother, seeing as she won't be returning anytime soon.

"We will go immediately."

"Thank you and please don't tell Rose about this, I don't want to worry her." They nodded before they left, I could only hope they would find her.

After the knights left I went to search for Rose. I found her in my favorite spot. She sat there with eyes closed enjoying the wind and the sun. I could only stare at her, her beauty captured me from the very start. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head before I went to join her. When I sat down she opened her eyes to look up at me. She gave me a smile which I returned to the fullest. We sat there together sometimes enjoying the quietness that surrounded us and other times talking immensely about anything and everything. I felt so much relieved that she wasn't a prisoner anymore, but a friend.

Weeks went by as we continued our walks as I patiently waited for the knights to return. Rose and I were growing closer day by day and I wanted to tell her how I felt, but then I figured she might not feel the same and I left it.


Rose's POV

As the weeks flew by after our truth session we grew closer. It was as if we've known each other a lifetime. And along with this new friendship new feelings came.

I stared at Keelan as he was talking about where he got the pendant, I couldn't help but stare at his perfect face, even with his scar it was the picture of perfection. I wanted to tell him how I was feeling, but who was I, a commoner and above that a human. Why would a fae Prince like me?

Later that day after Keelan and I returned from our walk I was sitting by my window reading a book when I noticed movement down in the gardens. When I saw Keelan appear in the garden a silly smile crossed my face on its own accord and I must have looked like a crazy fool. But my smile quickly dropped when I noticed a faery girl walking towards him and talking to him. He smiled and laughed with her and my blood started to boil. Why was I feeling so much anger towards her, she was just talking to Keelan.

I quickly shake my head clear of all these unrequested thoughts. The Prince was really starting to wiggle himself into my thoughts.

I tried my hardest to focus on my story but it was hard, especially with the Prince in my view.

"What's the matter, dear?" A voice said from next to me and I threw the book I was reading in the air, luckily Ms Mousy was there and caught it. Ms Mousy looked at me with concern etched on her face.

"Ms Mousy, you'll give me a heart attack." I said.

"I'm sorry dear, I was just interested in why you were concentrating so hard." She said.

"Oh that, it was nothing..." I said as I looked around the room.

"Would it have something to do with a certain fae prince?"

"What? Of course not, don't be ridiculous." I said.

"You like him, don't you?" She asked.

"Is it that clear?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yes and I just have years of experience with this sort of thing. Why don't you tell him?"

"Ms Mousy, his a prince, I'm nobody. He'll never like me the way I like him." I said as I looked down at my now empty hand, the ring long forgotten. Keelan helped me dispose of it and I was glad I was rid of the awful memories.

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