He saves you: Huey

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You were leaving school

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You were leaving school.

"Y/n u want me to walk you home" huey said

"No thanks babe I'll be fine" you said

"You sure?"


You were walking home by your self and u took a shortcut in the alley way and then someone grab you from behind.

"Whats a cutie like you doing here by your self" he said

"Leave me alone SOMEONE HELP" you said struggling

"Keep screaming nobody is gonna hel-THUD his grip loosened and he dropped to the floor.

When you turned around you saw huey your boyfriend.

He scowled at you "u should have walked with me"
"Huey I'm sorry I never listened to you" you cried

He bring you into his arms and hugged you.

"Its OK as long as your with me nobody is gonna hurt you"

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