1. Sugawara

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Sugawara knew that he had a stalker.

He didn't just suspect it. He knew. It was a fact.

In his first three years he didn't noticed at all but - on his forth year, he first saw him. A dark haired Gryffindor boy that watched him from behind the shelves on the library.

At first he wasn't bothered by it. He just figured it was another curious first year that heard the rumours about his pretty face. Because let's be honest - Sugawara was attractive. Like very attractive. That wasn't news either - he knew that students of all ages and houses whispered about it whenever he came close by.

However, this didn't seem to be the case with the boy. His stalker never acted like he was interested in him - or at least like a stalker would behave so; Sugawara had come close to talk with him on numerous occasions but the guy would always leave or be called by one of his friends.

Soon after, on his fifth year, he discovered the boy's identity.

It was on a cold day of October. He was going to a Potions shared class with Gryffindor with Kuroo - one of his roommates - when he saw the dark haired boy approaching them.


His friend saw him and did a sign to Sugawara to go ahead. He went into class and sat on his usual place, waiting for Kuroo to come in.

Kuroo had his arms crossed and half smiled as the other boy talked to him. After a few seconds, when they saw the Professor coming to class, Kuroo said one last thing to him - making the boy laugh - and they entered the room together.

Sugawara watched the boy sat with another Gryffindors two desks away.

"He goes to my year? How didn't I notice?"

"Kuroo." He said as the boy sat in front of him. "Who were you talking to?"

"Huh, already jealous?" Sugawara kicked him under the table and he laughed. "Sorry, sorry. But - you seriously don't know him?" Sugawara shook his head.

"He's Gryffindor's Quidditch Team Captain. Sawamura Daichi."

Sugawara looked in Daichi's direction. He was laughing at another Gryffindor that had messed up the love potion they were making. Suddenly, his eyes noticed Sugawara staring at him and he smiled in his direction. A sweet pure smile. Sugawara felt how his heart skipped a beat and tried to hide it looking another way.

"He said something about 'not loosing to us again'." Kuroo laughed. Apparently he had been talking to him all this time. "I told him that, as Slytherin's Captain, I had some pride to keep and- Woah, Suga you okay? Your face is all red."

Sugawara touched his face with the tip of his fingertips. He couldn't see himself, but he sure felt hot.

That was the moment when he started being more and more curious about his stalker.

At first, he would go to all Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch matches, just to determine how good he was - having in account that he himself was a former player - but by his sixth year he forced himself to assist all Gryffindor matches.

That, until his roommates started suspecting something.

"Going to bed early again, Suga-chan?" Oikawa asked, when he saw Sugawara putting his pyjamas on.

"Yeah, there's something I've got to do tomorrow morning." He sat on his bed. "Don't make so much noise, 'kay?"

"Tomorrow morning?" Oikawa got out of his bed and sat on his. "But tomorrow is Sunday..."

"Guys please, it's obvious he's going to the Quidditch match." Kuroo joined the chat and sat next to Oikawa - on his bed as well.

"Quidditch?" Bokuto came through the door and stared at the three boys on the bed. He shrugged his shoulders - a moment after he was sitting next to Kuroo. "But tomorrow's match is Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff, right?"

Unlike the other years, their room had only four beds. The student that were with them had left on their second year due to family problems. At first, they felt a little bit lonely but, after a while, they bonds grew stronger and now they hardly remembered the boy that used to share bedroom with them.

"Tooru, you're always with Iwaizumi in Potions - and Bokuto, you don't even go so - but, I swear to god; this boy is always glancing at Gryffindor's cap." Sugawara hit Kuroo on the shoulder, bothered by the fact that he had noticed. "What? It's true."

"Whaat? Dai-chan?" Oikawa's eyes started glowing. "Didn't know you were gay, Suga-chan."

"Yeah, it's not like we have anything against that." Kuroo shrugged his shoulders. "We all know that Tooru is gay for Iwaizumi."

"Tetsu-chan, that's mean!" Oikawa pushed him. "I mean - it's true, but you don't have to say it like that!"

"I don't think Iwaizumi is gay, though." Sugawara sighed, glad that conversation had moved on.

"Oh, yes he is." Bokuto laughed. "It's basically a rule that all Quidditch players are gay - we are a great example by the way. That's why a) Daichi is gay, b) you are gay as well and c) you should totally go for it."

"First... What the fuck? Is this you coming out to me?" The three boys nodded. "Geez, okay... Second... I don't even play Quidditch, why should I be gay?"

"But you played Quidditch." Oikawa pointed out.

"Yeah, pretty sure some of our gayness got you back there."

Sugawara stared at his roommates.

"Are they really serious?"

"And if you weren't gay..." Bokuto started. "Why would you go to all of his matches?"

"Humm, maybe because I like Quidditch?"

The three boys starting laughing and got off Sugawara's bed.

"Yeah, sure. Gotta go." Bokuto walked to the door of the room, still laughing. "I'm meeting up with a Ravenclaw beauty today. HEYHEYHEY~"

"Good luck, Boku-chan!" Oikawa shouted as he left. "By the way, Suga-chan." He sat in his bed and started playing with the snitch he first caught - yep, he had kept it since then. "If you end up going to the match, please tell Dai-chan that, as Slytherin's Captain-"

"Not this again, Tooru." Kuroo sighed. "You know, I'm officially Slytherin's Cap-"


"I talked to the Headmistress the other day, and she said that I was the one that was being recognised as the captain-"

"Lalala~ I can't hear you, Vice Captain."

"Huh? How did I end up being Vice-"

"JUST SHUT UP FOR A BIT, OKAY?" The two boys looked at Sugawara, that kept a hand in his forehead. "Geez, if you're going to be annoying just go to the common room and let me sleep, 'kay?"

Oikawa and Kuroo looked at each other and left with a small grin on his faces. They knew that, even after denying that he had no interest in Daichi, Sugawara would still go to the match tomorrow morning.

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