3. Sugawara

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Sugawara hid his face on the pillow. He just couldn't believe it. What was going through his head in the moment he asked Daichi out?

"Come on Suga, we all knew it was gonna happen sometime." Kuroo said while sitting in Sugawara's bed and patting his head.

"What was really awesome though, is that we didn't force you or anything." Bokuto stretched himself and proceeded to change clothes. "You, by yourself, did it."

Sugawara sighed, keeping his face hidden. Bokuto's words weren't helping and the fact that Kuroo was patting his head just made him anxious. Somewhere deep inside wished that earth could swallow him.

"Where's Oikawa, by the way?" He said, noticing that the room was quieter than usual.

"Well, it was Gryffindor's win, so I suppose he went with Iwaizumi to Hogsmeade." Kuroo sighed.

That could only mean trouble. Every time Oikawa went to Hogsmeade with Iwaizumi to "celebrate" something, he would arrive drunk as hell or wouldn't arrive at all. When Oikawa and Iwaizumi first started dating, the rest of the boys would always stay awake, waiting for him to arrive safe and sound to the room but, seeing that that wouldn't change his behaviour, they stopped doing it.

"Oh, if he doesn't appears tomorrow morning, I'm so not gonna be the one who tells Professor Takeda again, boys." Bokuto cried.

Professor Takeda was the head of Slytherin. He usually wasn't strict and it was really easy to talk to him - but, the first time Oikawa disappeared after going out with Iwaizumi, Bokuto told him (believing that the Professor would help them out) and... he realised - too late - that it hadn't been a good idea.

Sugawara shivered.

"Let's just hope Oikawa arrives in a few hours." He finally said.

"Let's just hope he arrives at all." Kuroo pointed out.


Oikawa could be really troublesome sometimes, but really really deep inside, he was a good friend and - cough - person.

"Anyway, how was the talk with Mr. Charming?" Kuroo said, laying down next to Sugawara.

"Please don't call him that." Sugawara cried. "And what on earth do you think you're doing? Get the fuck out of my bed already." He pushed Kuroo to the side and he fell to the ground with a loud noise.


"Okay beauties, I'm going ~" Bokuto sang. "Please don't miss me much."

"Bro, my heart already misses you." Kuroo took his hands to his chest.


Sugawara threw his pillow to Kuroo and hit his face.


"Okay, okay." Sugawara laughed. "Anyway, where are you off to, Bokuto?"

"To meet up with my secret love." He winked at Sugawara.

Kuroo got up, suddenly interested in what Bokuto just said.

"Huh? Who is that?"

Bokuto laughed and mysteriously disappeared through the door, not without winking at them again.

"... okay. That was weird."

Kuroo shrugged his shoulders, as clueless as Sugawara.

The atmosphere turned uncomfortable. Maybe when they were all together it was all laughs and fun but, even though Sugawara felt the closest to Kuroo - having in account that Bokuto and Oikawa were hardly around -, when they were alone, Sugawara couldn't forget that he knew. He knew the reason why he had left the Quidditch team.

Sugawara felt shivers down his spine.

The dark haired boy carefully sat on his roommate's bed again - this time asking for permission - and opened his mouth. However, he wasn't able to say anything.

"I know what you're thinking, okay?" Sugawara sighed. "What if I like Daichi? Honestly, I don't know. So you asking about it isn't gonna solve anything."

Kuroo smiled and ruffled the other boy's hair.

"Hey, calm down." Kuroo slipped his arm around his shoulders. " I'm not forcing you to tell me everything, but... I mean, you know you can trust me, right? I never did tell anyone about-"

Sugawara covered the boy's mouth before he could say anything. He wasn't ready to hear that, not yet.

Kuroo sighed.

"Okay, you still don't wanna talk about that."

"Of course I don't wanna talk about that." Sugawara bursted. "How would I want to-"

He got interrupted by the sound of the door opening. It was Oikawa. A really drunk Oikawa.

"Helloooo I'm baaack~"

Sugawara cleared his throat and immediately looked at the floor, trying to focus on anything else, while Kuroo stood up and grabbed Oikawa from his waist, preventing him from falling down.

"Woah, woah, Tetsu-chaaaan, be careful where you touuuch~ I have a boyfriend, you know." Kuroo rolled his eyes and pushed him onto the bed. "OUCH?"

Kuroo grabbed Oikawa's pyjamas and threw them to his face, making Oikawa whimper. Kuroo could get mad really fast and he didn't like at all drunk people. Sugawara could also tell that not talking about that really got on his nerves.

"It's not like it's my fault I don't wanna talk about it, okay?" But the grey haired boy couldn't help feeling guilty.

Oikawa grabbed his pyjamas and tears appeared on his eyes.

"Testu-chan is so mean." He whispered to himself.

"Just change. I'm not in the mood to take care of you."

Kuroo glanced at Sugawara for one second and then jumped onto his bed. Sugawara rolled his eyes, trying not to get mad at him, and helped Oikawa change clothes.

Oikawa was the kind of person that got really sensitive everytime he drank. He could start blabbering about how much he loved flowers and suddenly start crying because of it. Maybe the first time it was funny. They all had a good laugh when they first saw him drunk; but after a whole night spent hearing about how much he loved Iwaizumi, they all thought it was annoying. Specially Kuroo.

Sugawara sighed and looked back at Kuroo. He was pretending to sleep.

Sugawara just hoped he wouldn't be mad on Saturday. After all, Kuroo could be a lot of things, but he was his best friend and he definitely would need his support on that day.

A/N: I spent way too much time writing this and it wasn't worth it kill m e

I'm sorry for not updating and that. Also I apologize for my rusty English because geez it just sucks (at least on this chapter) but I promise things will get interesting from now on, so think of this of a prelude really bad written ? Idk

Also huge thanks to everyone who commented. It brightens up my day and makes me wanna keep writing so sORRY FOR DISAPPOINTING YOU SO MUCH WITH THIS CHAPTER REALLY

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