Chapter 11

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As soon as you walked into his hospital room and saw his face you couldn't help but run to him. You wrapped you arms around him and he put his skinny arms around your neck. You both stayed like that for what seemed like ever, but was really only a few seconds.
"Oh my god I've missed you so so so so much!" You said in the verge of tears.
"Promise me you won't leave me again." Aaron said between sobs.
"I promise." You said breaking the hug to introduce your friends. "Aaron I would like you to meet Dan and Phil. They are good friends of mine." You said. When you said good friends dan cleared his throat as if to say I'm your boyfriend but you didn't let it bother you. You were going to tell Aaron later.
"Is it really them?" Aaron asked in shock.
"Ya dude it's really them." You said. Dan and Phil walked up to him and both hugged him one by one.
After a lot of talk about YouTube and Dan and Phil, they wanted to get to know Aaron.
"So Aaron how old are you?" Phil asked even though he already knew the answer.
"I'm 10! Sorry if I come off as hyper. I'm not normally like this it's just that your Dan and phil!" They both smiled
"Your fine kid we have dealt with much worse." Dan said grinning like an idiot to Phil.
"Hey Aaron I have to tell you something." You said looking down at the tiles on the floor so he wouldn't see you blush.
"What?" Aaron said with a confused look on his face.
"I have a new boyfriend." You said slowly to let it all soak in.
"Oh so I guess you won't want to adopt me then. Since mom and dad don't want me anymore." His smile instantly dropped and he was looking at his lap.
"The good news is that he doesn't mind if I adopt you and that him and his best friend would actually love it!" He was smiling again.
"Who is it then?" Aaron asked looking at you.
"You're looking at him." Dan piped up to get Aaron's attention.
Aaron's jaw dropped before saying,"Wait so Dan is dating my sister and him and Phil are going to help raise me in a way!" He said and the three of us nodded in unison. Suddenly Phil turned to Dan and whispered something you didn't hear. Then they both got up and left the room.

I was very happy to meet Aaron but I still have some unfinished business to take care of. I thought
I pulled Dan out of the room and look at him dead in the eye. And said "Her name is Melissa."

so who is this Melissa we speak of lol. Take a good guess! Thanks y'all so much for 70+ views! I really never thought this would happen. I just wanted to do this for fun because I love writing. I never thought y'all would like my work. Thanks again!;) btw sorry for this short sucky chapter. I thought it would be better than this anyway.

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