The Imaginary Gay Hunk- Chapter One

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          I rapidly tap my pencil to the beat of the music I hear blaring out from Sandra’s headphones. I stare around the room in search to find something the least bit interesting. The walls are a pale blue and the floors are grey. The classrooms are abnormally small and there is tons of Religion posters sprawled across all four walls. I call Sandra’s name to get her attention and she doesn’t hear. I tap her on the shoulder and she doesn’t bother to move. I decide to throw my whole eraser at her and she finally turns around. Her bold green eyes dart at me with fury.

“About goddamn time, I’ve been trying to get your attention for two minutes!” I scolded.

“Well so-rry! I was too distracted by my music” I roll my eyes humorously, Sandra listens to her music on full blast every Religion class. The teacher has yelled at her numerous times to tell her to turn it down but everyday it’s the same, so the teacher just gave up and now she listens to it as loud as she pleases, which is on full volume.  

“I could tell, you’re music is literally so loud, how are you not deaf?”

“Mistie, you going to Tiff’s Kegger this Saturday?” She asks me ignoring my comment. She flips her long brown hair, fixes her non-existent bangs and adjusts her hair-part so it evens out at the left side of her head.

“What the hell is a ‘Kegger’?” I laugh, “Is that your new word for party?” I laugh some more. She looks at me with a death glare.

“Yeah, it’s what people say now, gosh Mistie!” Sandra empathized as if she felt sorry that I didn’t have a clue what that word meant.

“You and your stupid trends.” I groaned and Sandra winks. “I didn’t even know Tiffany was having a party! Is she like inviting people? Because I didn’t get invited.” Sandra zones out and realized what I had just said.

“Oh no no, she apparently has a monstrous house and is telling people to invite even more people, anyone’s welcome. Her parents are gone for a week to New Zealand or some shit.” She fills me in. “And wouldn’t it be so much fun?! She has a hot tub, a pool, a basketball court and supposedly she even has a petting zoo!” Sandra whispers. I think about what my dad said about partying it down a notch but I immediately shuffle that thought out of my head.

“Yeah, I’ll come! I’m guessing Gazielle and Dawn are coming too? And by the way, all those things you mentioned are probably just rumors.” I justified. “But I’m sure it’ll be just as fun without all that miscellaneous stuff.” The bell rings and it’s finally the end of school. I wish it was Friday but it’s only Thursday.

“Well I’ll see ya tomorrow, right? Better not be ditching again with Michie, she’s no good for you.” She says sternly. Michie is a girl I have been hanging around with for a couple of months now and every so often we tend to just skip the day of school and hangout around the mall and go to this restaurant called Javapit they serve the best java teas and milkshakes. About a week ago I told Michie that I couldn’t do that stuff anymore because my grades were lowering and that was that, she had no problem about it but I had a feeling that we wouldn’t hangout outside of ditching school. We’ve been distancing apart ever since.

“Nah, I told her I wanted to stop doing that considering that my grades are now crap.”

“See, I said from the start that your grades would lower and you don’t even study so how does that work?” Sandra asks. I pause.

“Yeah, yeah I just need to know the material. I should get going.” I say as I shuffled towards the classroom door.

“No girl, let me drive you.” Sandra and I grab our stuff out of our bland white lockers and run to the car as fast as humanly possible. It’s pouring and we both separately decided this morning to do our hair. Sandra has her own car her grandmother bought her before she passed away last year. It’s a bright green Ford Fiesta. She loves to drive it everywhere and doesn’t mind doing errands for her family.

“So you think that I should break up with Henry?” Sandra pops out of nowhere as we’re five minutes from my house. Sandra has been dating this guy that’s five years older than us for almost a year. I’ve always found the age difference so weird. He recently moved to Russia with his family, and told Sandra that he wanted to make their relationship work. But I can tell how stressful it is for Sandra knowing she can’t see him again. Even though I don’t really like Henry, I hate seeing my best friend that I’ve been with for twelve years be so hurt. We became friends ever since senior kindergarten, we both finger painted a picture of a turtle, then boom, friends instantly.

I lightly say her name, “Sandra,” I continue. “It’s best to let it go. He’s not coming back anytime soon and it’ll just be impossible to stay together and besides, if you do break up with him, we can help you find a new guy at the party! What do you say?!” I smile. She immediately smiled back.

“I’m in!” Sandra says thrilled.

As soon as I get home my dad holds me in his long and thin, spaghetti arms. Ever since my mother died from malaria, he’s become very smothering. It’s sweet, but a teenage girl needs her space. He expects us to hangout every single weekend but I need time to finish my homework and hangout with my friends and actually have a social life. My dad and I do spend a lot of time together though! We always have fun and do something different.

“So honey, what are we doing this weekend?” My father asks.

“Well, I’m going to a party tomorrow so…” I admit hesitantly. My dad gives me a disappointing look with his bright blue eyes that have a touch of yellow in the centre, the exact same as mine.

“But I thought I told you to not party as much, you know how you get when you are drunk.” He frowns and I begin to feel guilty as the words lunge out of his smoothly shaved mouth. He looks into my eyes for a bit longer and has those wrinkles on his forehead right below the start of his golden blonde hair. He gets them whenever he’s upset about something. Which is this instant.

“I know, I know but I’ll be fine this time. I won’t drink too much and I’ll get a taxi home, I promise.” I plead and plead waiting for his response. He thinks about it for a little while as the wrinkles on his forehead slowly disappear.

“Alright, but I’m picking you up.” He states with a serious look. I am soon filled with happiness. “And no drinking, no drugs and no boys.”

“Thank you! I love you, you are so understanding.” I smile joyfully. My dad always says yes to me. Whenever he says yes, he knows that it makes me happy, which makes him happy.

I spend the remainder of the day finishing my homework and searching through the web. My dad makes us chili for dinner and it was delicious. Now, it’s eleven O’clock and I slide my body between my silky bed sheets and lull myself to an enchanting sleep. 

The Imaginary Gay Hunk- Chapter OneWhere stories live. Discover now