Hot Head

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"Are you single yet?" SiYoung asked you while you were waiting to go onstage.

"Haha, what? why would i be single?" You laughed answering his question. Siyoung and you had been friends since you debuted a few months ago.

He always came to your concerts and encouraged you because you would have mini panic attacks whenever you were about to go on stage.

"You dont talk on the phone with that little boyfriend of yours like you use to. What was his name again? Nam-something?"

"Namjoon is his name! And he is busy. Were both busy. Mind your business" you say pushing his shoulder

Namjoon was a sensitive topic for you right now. You didnt talk as much as you use to because you were both so busy. You missed him obviously.

"Y/N, they are ready for you" your manager says before exiting the dressing room with you following behind him.

"Hwaiting!" Siyoung screams

You had just got off stage and you could finally breath.

"Goodjob!" Siyoung comes over to you hugging you and slightly lifting you up in the air

"Haha thanks now put me down." you say patting his back

You look over to see namjoon, your boyfriend standing over in the corner. You blink your eyes to make sure that you wernt just seeing things.

"Namjoon!! You say basiclly running over to him. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you." He says with a cold look on his face

"Whats wro-"

"So your the boyfriend. Hi, Im Siyoung aka giriboy" siyoung interups you holding out his hand for namjoon to grab

Namjoon ignores him and grabs your wrist dragging you behind him.

"Ow that hurts! Where are we going!?" You ask wondering why he was so upset

He stops and looks at you "Is that giddy boy your boyfriend or am i your boyfriend?" He ask looking you in your eyes

"Haha you are obviously" you say laughing at his question.

"Im not laughing Y/N"

"Whats wrong? He is just a friend."

"So you have time to be his friend but i can barely get a text" he asked still staring at you with a serious look

"Its just that your busy so i dont want to bother you."

"It doesnt bother me when MY GIRLFRIEND text me. It bothers when i look at my phone and i have no messages or calls from you and i come to suprise you at your concert but i see you all over another dude"

"He is just a friend namjoon!! Your being ridicolous!"

"Whatever! I dont care. Do whatever im leaving"

Ugh you really didnt want to fight with him. You just missed his voice and his touch. Why couldnt he just get over himself and tell you he missed you like you wanted to tell him.

"Are you okay?" You text namjoon

"Are you still mad?"


"Ugh whatever"

"Call me when your done having a b**** fit"

"Well im be at home if you decided you want to come over"

"I miss you ;)"

You park your car outside of your house and checked your phone one more time to see if namjoon had text you back. "Jerk" you mumble to yourself when you realize that he hadn't.

You walk into your house taking your shoes off at the door and walking towards your bedroom.

You smile when you hear the shower running. You run in the bathroom to find namjoon standing there with no clothes on. He starts to smirk at you but you scream and run out.

You laugh at yourself and smile hoping that akward momment lightened the mood a little bit.

You walk into the kitchen and make you and namjoon something to eat while he takes his shower.

You finish cooking and take the food into the bedroom where namjoon is laying in you bed with his shirt off on his phone.

"Here" you say handing him his food.

" i dont want it" he replies not looking away from his phone

"Namjoon eat the d*** food" you say

"No go give it to giddy"

"Okay" you say grabbing the food from him

"Give me my food" he say snatching it from you

"Your going to spill it jerk"

You turn the TV on and sit next to him in the bed eating your food.

You both ate in silence.

Namjoon sits his empty plate on the nightstand and rolls over to lay on your stomach. You smile, and rub his head.

"You know i love you right?"

"No i dont know" you reply

"Well i do," he says looking up at you "i just dont like the thought of someone taking you away from me. Im sorry i havent been able to come to your concerts and give you much attention. I didnt mean to get angry with you im just a bit cranky because i miss you"

"I miss you too. Next time just say you miss me not get mad at me." You say slapping his head lightly

"Serious question though" he says looking at you again with the most serious face ever.

"Do you think that he is a better rapper than me?"


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