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This is a bit of a spin off to happier and lights camera drama. I would recommend reading those one first but it's not a requirement. Most of the Namjoon Fics kind of go together. If there are any that mentions moments from any of the others like this one does then I will let you know. Thanks! Enjoy!!

"Babe we don't have any hot Cheetos!?" You yelled from the kitchen after taking the popcorn package out of the cabinet.

"That's fine. We have popcorn."

"Kim Namjoon! You know we can't watch a movie and eat popcorn without hot Cheetos."

"Fine I'll be right back."

You loved your husband he was always making sure you were happy. He was such a gentleman and cared for your needs but he most defiantly wasnt submissive in the bed room. The perfect balance.

Namjoon slid on his nike slides before grabbing his keys and heading out the door. You really wanted to start the movie but the corner store was only about 5 minutes away in car so it shouldn't take that long.

You had slightly dozed off on the couch when you heard the door open.

"Wow what took you so long?" You asked in a drowsy voice.

"I didn't take long. You must've fell asleep and lost track of time."

You glanced at the time on your phone. It defiantly was a long time but you decided to ignore the situation.

"I'm a little tired now. I don't know if I'll be able to stay up for the movie."

"Come on babe! We have too." Namjoon started to tickle your stomach. Although you were laughing this feeling was far from enjoyable.

"Namjoon stop your going to make me pee on myself!"

He continued to tickle you with no signs of letting up. You honestly couldn't take it anymore. Your stomach had started to hurt from laughing so hard.

"Okay Namjoon seriously stop! I honestly have to pee."

"You pee a lot. Are you pregnant again?"

"No. You idiot. I just I don't know. I've been drinking a lot of water."

"Well hurry back. So we can finish the movie. "

You hurried off to the bathroom. You quickly sat down to use the restroom, all of a sudden you noticed a slight burn as you pee'd. You didn't think anything of it but decided to check your underwear for discharge. It was only a little and their was a slight Odor. Probably a minor yeast infection, you had to go for your monthly check up anyways so you scheduled a appointment before going back into the living room to enjoy the movie. Well more like Namjoons attention because you hardly cared for the movie at all anymore.

"Your going to be alright babe. You always are."

You had started to get nervous about going for your check up. The pain while urinating hadnt gone away and it even became uncomfortable while having sex.

"Yeah I know. I'm sure it's nothing serious. There probably give me some antibiotics and then everything will be back to normal." 

Namjoon kissed you on your forehead before heading out for the day. You also were heading out for your checkup.

"See you. Love you."

You went to a clinic that you knew you could trust because you didn't want everyone to know. You didn't even want paparazzi to catch you walking in s clinic at all so you wore  huge sunglasses  and a baseball cap with your hair pulled into a pony tail.

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