Hide Away

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Hey Angels! I just started a new Namjoon series called 'Hide away' Its about a girl who is running away from her past and she has a lot of secrets when she meets interesting and mysterious Namjoon what will be the outcome will he ever get to meet the real her.

Go check it out! If your missing the god of destruction. This new series also features all of the members and Yoongi as second male lead. :D Isnt that great?! There are already 2 parts up and i have a few pre-written chapters

Here is a little sneak peek of chapter 1. 

"What are you doing here Yoongi?" I asked only opening the door slightly.

"I came to see you baby"

" I don't want to see you" i replied attempting to close the door. Noone was home but my little brother and i really didn't want to let him in. I didn't trust him.

" Open the fucking door Bre!!!" Yoongi shouted from the other side.

But i had given in to fear. If i didnt let him in he would just get angrier and who knows what he would do. Yoongi was the leader of a well known gang here in Atlanta and im pretty sure it spread futher than just here.

"What do you want?!" I asked opening the door slightly before it was pushed open throwing me onto the floor.

"Who the fuck do you think your talking too!?" Yoongi shouted in my face pulling me up from the ground by my collar.

"Bre what the fuck is going on?" I heard my little brothers voice, he was 18 at the time.

"Jimin, watch your mouth and go in your room." I said in a stern voice even though i was currently in such a weak state being held up agaisnt the wall trying to free myself.

"No! Is this dude bothering you?" Jimin said walking closer to me.

"Watch out little boy." Yoongi threatend patting the gun in his waist band.

"Go in your room," I screamed "now!"

He reluctantly walked into his room but before yoongi could start yelling at me again, jimin was coming out of his room with a gun in hand.

"Jimin! Where the hell did you get that from!?" I shouted

"Dont worry about it," he said "now let go of my sister before i shoot you and im not playing."

"Very funny. I dont have time for your games little boy go back in your room like your big sister told you." Yoongi laughed like a psychotic idiot.

Before i could even think a trigger was pulled and the sound of a gun shot filled my ears and then another.

My eyes searched the room, Yoongi let go of me and was now holding on to the open wound in his arm. I looked over to see my little brother lying on the floor. A puddle of blood forming on the floor. I looked in the direction of the doorway to see another guy holding a gun.

"Jimin!" I screamed running over to my brothers body. "Jimin!!!"

Before i knew it i was being picked up and dragged out of my house kicking and screaming my little brothers name. 

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