I wasn't happy at all, with this planned wedding, my parents had planned. It bothered me much. How can you marry someone you don't even know. I mean for Pete's sake, i liked princess Adanna but not it a girlfriend wife kind of way, but as a friend. But clearly somewhere along those lines she mis-interpreted, my friendship ways. I think she saw it as though i was making a move on her, but it clearly wasn't in my intentions at all. And now, i was going to marry her, for the kingdoms sake.
I retired to my bed early. I couldn't stand my mother and her cheerfulness any longer. There was something about this servant. Her name was Amara, as my mother referred to her. When i arrived, she didn't seem interested, in my arrival as all the other servant were. The was something really peculiar about her.
*knock. Knock. Knock*
"Come in." i said. And there she entered again.
"Evening my prince." and she curtsied."Queen mother told me to leave these in your room." she said placing the satin Pajama's on my bed.
"Thank, you, again" i said, smiling a little. I was expecting her face to change, or anything like that, but she just looked at me in a curious way. No girl could resist my smile.
"Is that all my prince." she said looking straight in my eyes. Her eyes looked tired, and were black and looked pure. She was definitely different.
"Yes that's all."
"Have a nice evening my prince."
with that she vanished from my room. Something about her intrigued the curious little boy inside me.
Amara's P.O.V.
I reached home later than expected. Luckily i had told Adisa, to check up on my mother and tell my sisters where i had placed the food.
I found everyone sleeping soundlessly. I looked at my mother and her breathing seemed to be normal. And she wasn't sweating that much today. I went to my sister room, and it was a mess. Their blankets were on the floor. I decided to go and cover them up. I placed their shoes and books in their correct places. I was about to step out when one of the woke up.
"Amara, is it true that the prince is handsome." Aaliya asked. I didn't know how to respond.
"Yeah, he is as handsome as they say he is. Now go to sleep." i said and walked out.
I went to my mothers room, and prepared my place besides her. I did have my own room, but i slept in my mothers to make sure she was okay at all times. I wouldn't want to risk anything. I dozed off real quick tonight, than any other nights.
I woke up really early the next morning. I prepared breakfast for everyone. And i prepared the supper too. I placed my mothers bathing water next to her with a note. I made a little prayer to the lord before i left. I hope he looked after her today.
I decided on walking to the palace today because i was real early. I inhaled by inhaler and started walking. But i soon gave up, because the sun was rather hot today.
The palace was busy as usuall, with everyone running around and doing chores. I went and left my bag in the slaves quarter, and went to the laundry room, to fetched the prince's new bedding covers. I didn't get royalty. They forever had to change their bedding covers everyday. Don't they thing of the person washing the stuff. But hey royalty will forever be arrogant. I mad my way upstairs, and started singing. It was my usual thing to do. I opened the door. I hadn't realised anyone was still in bed, and i put the bedding down and went to open the curtains. And that's when i heard someone groan. Oh Lord save me, i prayed in my head. I stopped singing and closed the curtain and took the bedding and left the room as quickly as i could. I was in so much trouble now. Trouble seemed to follow me. I mean, i hadn't noticed that there wasn't anyone on the bed, i swear. If the Queen is to hear of this, i was sure to get a lashing. It would be my first ever lashing. There were rumours that they give you two for every mistake you make. I was sure to die today.
"You can come in now." i heard the prince say. Lord, was he going to tell the Queen. Trust me, if you were in the same predicament as me, you sure would have a million disastorous thoughts running through your little head.
I opened the door, shaking nonstop. Fear corsed through my body. I went on my knee's
"I'm sorry, my Prince. I didn't know you were still here. I didn't mean to wake you. Please forgive me my prince." all this while my head was down. I couldn't bear to look him in the eye today.
"Stand up." he said in an angry voice. Oh lord, am i getting my punishment now.
"It's okay, we all get confused sometimes." he said now in a calmer voice. He had a smirk on his face. Was this guy serious?
"And you have a beautiful voice by the way." this had to be some trick.
"My Prince I am really sorry. It will never happen again. I swear, it will never. Tears were at the brim of my eyes. It felt like they were going to fall.
"It's okay. Now stop apologising and carry on with what you were about to do." he said.