The meeting

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( Third Person Pov)

Ash has just arrived at the edges of Viridian forest when he saw Scott at the ground looking for him everywhere but in the air so he made Charizard roar, the roar that caused pidgeys and spearows fly off and cause Scott to look up. Charizard touched down right in front of Scott.
"Nice to see you again...... Ash" Scott said
" You too Scott, you too" Ash replied
" So Ash you're probably wondering how the hell I found you after all these years" Scott paused to see Ash nodding at him so he continued " So I noticed it right after you took down every evil organization there is in all the regions. So I thought who can do this and why, so I dug deeper and found out that a person saw you after beating Team Flare that you were without anything not even your pokeballs except Pikachu and he was perched on your shoulders not even tired and saw you dragging Team Flare grunts. That's when I instantly knew it was you. After all who has a Pikachu on their shoulder and who had faced Team Flare before, but I decided to keep it from you're friends as it was idk 3-4 years ago, but they knew about you, heck everyone knows about you in all the regions saying that you were a hero. Everyone didn't know it was you except maybe Lance because I asked him before if he knew who you were and he just laughed and said that I already knew and I begun to understand wut he meant, and that's basically it" Scott concluded while Ash was dumbfounded, but he quickly shook it off.

" So Scott when will the tournament be?" Asked Ash.

" In about a week at Kalos where you battled at the league" Scott replied

" Ok see you then" Ash began to walk back to charizard when Scott called to him
" Ash! Just remember you're friends will be there" Ash just merely raised his hand in acknowledgement and took off into a place he wanted to return to after all these years:Pallet town. So he ordered Charizard to take off and his mind wandered off elsewhere as Pikachu was sleeping on his shoulder while he was in deep thought.

(Ash pov)

I just stared off into the distance when I saw Palett below and I ordered Charizard to slow down and descent down to the peaceful town. Once he landed I took out his pokeball and thanked him for his work, in return the pokeball shook a bit and ash just smiled. He put his hood on and began walking to Professor Oak's lab as he was going to let off his pokemon there. Once he arrived he knocked on the door expecting Tracey to open it but got surprised when Oak ( to lazy) opened it.
" Yes how may I help you?" Oak asked
" I was hoping I could return my Pokemon back Professor" ash's voice was so matured and deep Oak didn't notice it and look confused.
" May I ask who you are?" Asked oak. In return he took off his hood and let his face show. Once he did that Oak looked at disbelief and then happy.
" Welcome back to Pallet....... Ash" Oak said as ash just smiled and gave Oak a hug which Oak gave back. He then invited ash to come in and he did. Well this should be intereting Ash thought to himself and chuckled quietly as Oak just led him to the living room and beckoned Ash to sit down.
" Ash how are you doing after all tese years, and after her death "Oak asked. That is when the happy ash was replaced with pain and sorrow, as he was shocked from being asked that suddenly.
" I am holding on fine even though it has been a long time there is still pain from my most beloved-"

Sorry for the cliff hanger but I will update again soon. Thanks for reading and make sure to vote and comment but please refrain from being to mad at me I have a lot planned for this story Sorry for the cliffhanger again tho so peace outan until next time.

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