The past

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" I am holding on fine even though it has been a long time there is still pain from my most beloved mothers death"

Ash has just won the Kalos League and is returnin back home to Pallet Town to stay there for awhile. Once he arrived there hebwent straight to his house and walked in. He saw his mom in the kitchen and yelled "MOM!!"
Delia turned around and got an overjoyed face and ran up to his little boy, and hugged him.
" Mom...too...tight" said ash almost out of breath.
" I'm sorry Ash it's just been such a long time since you came back, I just missed u so much!"
" I know mom I missed u too"
" So tell me all that happened at kalos ash" Delia asked. So they sat down talked about it laughed at some moments and just enjoyed each others company.
One week later
" Hey Ash I'm just gonna go buy some groceries alright, I'll take Mr.Mime with me and I'll be back in a few minutes" Delia said to Ash as he was watching all his leauge battles from the past.
" Ok mom take care ok?" Ash said
" Don't worry I will" Delia replied to her son's comment and left te house with Mr Mime. A few minutes later Ash heard a shrill scream coming near outside his house. He quickly ran out and saw his mom lying there with Mr Mime in their pool of blood with a rocket grunt on top if them holding a gun, and he was smiling.
" That's for interfering with team rocker, kid" the grunt said. Ash looked at him and desbelief then looked back at his mother and went from schocked to beast mode.  Ash attacked the rocket grunt with his fist and Pikachu beside him overwhelmed he started punching the grunt on the stomach. Pikachu besides Ash was waiting for his partner's command whether to attack him with his thunderbolt or just let Ash take his rage out on the grunt.  The grunt was in so much pain but was smiling either way, ash told Pikachu to run back to his house and call 911 while he was on top of an unconscious grunt. He slowly made his way to his dead mother lying on the floor in her own pool of blood. Ash was crying so hard and was holding onto his dead mother until the ambulance arrived and took her away.
One week later
Today was his mother's funeraland all of his friends were there. He was crying to himself by his friends were trying to comfort him he was mumbling to himself that it was all his fault he should've taking care of her or at least went with her. He kept to himself throughout the funeral and just accepted what they said and soon went home alone. The next morning he saw his friends parents were there.
" Hello what will u like" ash said
" We would like for u to stay away from us and our children because u have put us all in harm by interfering with the criminal orginizations around the world, so stay away from us and our children" Dawn's mom just said plainly. Ash was shocked by this then turned once again into beast mode but lightly this time.
" WTF ARE U SAYING HUH!! UR SAYING IT'S MY GODDAMN FAULT THAT MY MOTHER IS DEAD BECAUSE OF ME!! I HAVE WORKED MY BUTT OFF JUST TO SAVE UR GODDAMN KIDS FROM HARM AND THIS IS HOW U REPAY ME!! BY MAKING ME GO AWAY FROM THEM!! FUDGE U ALL!! ALL OF U GET THE HECK OUT OF MY HOUSE AND ONCE U SEE ME AGAIN MAKE SURE U ARE GODDAMN CAREFUL CAUSE U JUST MIGHT GET HURT, NOW GET THE HECK OUT OF MY HOUSE AND I DON'T WANT TO SEE U DISRESPECTFUL PEOPLE IN MY HOUSE IN THE NEXT 10 SECONDS OR I SWEAR U WILL FEEL SO MUCH PAIN" Ash just literally went into beast mode. The parent were all terrifeid and left immeadiatly. Ash slammed the door behind them went up to his room grabbed his stuff put it into his backpack got his pokeballs some of them and left with pikachu amd went to Oak's house/lab. Onec he got there he knocked and was greeted by prof. Oak.
" Prof. Oak I need all of my pokemon and I will be leaving soon right after I get all my pokemon" Ash said
" Ok but if I may ask were are u going?" Oak asked
" Everywhere to get my revenge" Ash replied darkly
" O- ok I'm just gonna get them and Ash just be careful ok?"
" I'll try my bet Prof. Oak" Oak just nodded amd went off to get his pokeballs, and a few min. later came back with anothere bag with his pokeballs in it. Ash just said thanks and went off to get his revenge
" Mom don't worry I will make them pay for killing u, I- I love you mom, I love you" Ash just said to himself and walked off into the distance.
Flashback ends
" Prof. Oak can I please stay here until just before next week?"
" Ash you are always welcome here, but first may I ask what is in the pokeballs hanging around ur neck amd on your hands with a bracelet and on the other hand, wait is that a key stone?!?!" Oak asked in desbelief
" Yes professor it is a key stone and the pokeballs on my necklace and bracelt are my legendary team when i say legendary i mean legit like mew and mewtwo legendary"  Oak just had his mouth opened and stop asking wuestions and just led Ash to a spare room and told him he can stay here. He said his thanks but before he left Ash said something.
" Prof. Can u not tell antone I'm here or even I'm alive ok?" Ash pleaded. While oak just nodded and promised he won't tell anyone. Ash said thanks and went off to bed. How am I gonna face them when I arrive there at te tournament? Aghh I'll figure somethin out soon, I need to get to sleep. Ash just thought to himself until he fell asleep with Pikachu by his side.

Hey guys thanks for reading and llease comment below who u want to be ash's legandary team. And also please vote and follow me. Till next time. Also sorry for late upload it's just school started and I'm sort off busy but I will make sure I update weekly or faster. Again thanks for reading! Bye!

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