Do I know you?

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As Ash arrived at the pokemon center he signed in and to the tournament and went to go to his room, but on the way there he encountered his friends. They were all laughing and smiling that made ash envy their life. He looked around and recognized everybody but one, he looked like him except darker jacket and had his arms around serena,it made him  angry. As he tried to walk off without them noticing,but of course one of them noticed and it was max. He came running up to ash and asked if he was participating.

"Yes I am" Ash said harshly

" Whoa there buddy just asking no need to be rude" Max retorted

" Who are you to say what I'm suppose to feel you pathetic trainer" Ash said coldly

By this time Max's friends had arrived and heard what Ash said
" Don't you dare talk to my brother like that creep. Who do you think you are?!" Mah yelled at Ash who just smirked

" I am Red Satoshi. Champion of all regions and Pokemon master. Who do YOU think you are hmmm miss" Ash replied, while his ex friends just had their mouths hanging open while Max saw this as an opportunity to prove himself that he wasn't a pathetic trainer.

" Fine Pokemon Master Satoshi," Max pause for a second, while his friends were scared about what max was going to do, Ash just rose his eyebrows and noticed the sarcasm in his voice " I challenge you to an official battle if I win I will be a Pokemon master and you will step down, and if you win then that means you are a better trainer than me" Max challenged Ash who was smirking devilishly( idk if real word) while his friends had their mouths hanging open.

" Sure meet me in the battlefield in ten minutes" With those last words spoken by ash he strode away from his former friends.
While he had left Max kept bragging on how he was going to win and all that crap while the group just supported him even though they knew it will be suicide but it was their friends decision and they will respect that. 10 minutes passed and the group went to the battlefield to see 'satoshi' meditating with a lucario.

" So it seems you finally arrived" Ash said with his eyes closed but standing up while his lucario was doin the same thing.

" Yeah how'd you know it was us?" Brock questioned wondering how this trainer noticed them with his eyes closed.

" my lucario here sensed your auras. Anyways six on six till all Pokemon fainted" ash said

" deal" max accepted as he stepped in the trainer box

"Lucario battle this plz"

" Gallade win this match"

Both Pokemon came into the battlefield in their fighting stance.

" Lucario use extreme speed with metal claw and close combat" Ash commanded taking first attack.
While he said this before Max can even get a counter strategy Lucario made it to Gallade and did his respected moves in a blur, a few seconds later Lucario was back at Ash's side barely even breaking a sweat while Gallade was unconscious lying on the floor. Max and his friends were shocked by the power Lucario had. Max returned Gallade and threw another pokeball.

" Go Blaziken!"

" Lucario aura sphere then extreme speed and force Palm" again Lucario attacked before Blaziken can respond and got knocked unconscious while Lucario was still not tired. Again max returned his Pokemon and sent out another one

" Go swampert!"

"Lucario metal claw then use earthquake" once more Pokemon unconscious Lucario not tired max getting irratated that he can't even damage Lucario a bit.

" Go metagross!!"

" Lucario force palm with extreme speed and then follow it up with metal claw"  Lucario did all those moves while it is true that metagross has a high defeat it cannot apose Lucario's strength and got tossed aside and layed down unconscious.

" How are you doing this?!?! How are you so strong?!?!" Max yelled at satoshi along with his friends

" Non stop training alone with my Pokemon"

" Go gardevoir!"

" Lucario earthquake then bone rush and metal claw, go!" Gardevoir has fainted and Max is down to his last Pokemon

" You have been with me since the beginning, we will finish this together. Go Sceptile!" Max yelled holding on to hope as his most trusted Pokemon stood on the battlefield ready to take anything on

" Lucario extreme speed with metal claw then force palm" and once again Lucario destroyed a Pokemon without max even reacting.

" Now you know who I am and what I'm capable of. I will be waiting to obliterate the rest off you, goodbye" Ash said calmly and walked off leaving a very shocked group behind. While he walked away a honey blond girl thought she saw that satoshi had raven hair under the cloak.

" that you?" Serena mumbled to herself, thinking about the boy she loved and forced to betray because if she didn't her mother would die.....

Sorry guys I haven't been able to update for awhile. Thought the story line maybe confusing but it is just getting started there is still a lot of mysteries to be uncovered like what happened with to make ash hate his friends and what does Serena mean by betraying ash, also who is they guy that looks like ash.. Read on for more. Slow updates sorry thank you for all my supporters

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