Wednesday 25th January 2012

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Wednesday 25th January 2012

Lesson Five, Chemistry

Jazmin: Hey, Scott, sorry I didn't reply last night.

Scott: How come?

Jazmin: Huh?

Scott: How come you didn't reply?

Jazmin: I was... busy.

Scott: Oh, so... Are you okay with it?

Jazmin: I guess so.

[Jazmin goes to get their books from Miss Hart, who has been marking them. Sophie and Tilly, who are late, walk past Scott, talking.]

Sophie: I rang her up yesterday to ask abour our Art homework, and she was crying down the phone.

Tilly: I don't even know what's up with her! I was talking about my boyfriend this morning and she just burst out crying!

Sophie: Why is she even upset? I thought she was over Greg.

[Scott accidentally snorts at Greg, and both Tilly and Sophie glare at him.]

Sophie: You got a problem?

Scott [raises his hands in surrender]: No! Who are you talking about?

Tilly: Mind your own business, jerk.

[Scott frowns as they walk off. Jazmin returns to the table, sniffing slightly.]

Scott: You're not okay.

Jazmin: Well done, genuis.

Scott: How long have you even known Tristan?

Jazmin: Since last Thursday.

Scott: Okay...

Jazmin: look, I get worked up over silly things. I cry a lot, I'm a girl, girls cry!

Scott: You know, back when you were pissy with me, I said if you ever needed someone to talk to I'd be here for you, and you shouted at me. But, I meant it, okay?

Jazmin: Really?

Scott: You said so yourself: we're friends. That's what friends are for.

Jazmin: You sound so cheesy. I think I'm gonna vomit.

Scott: Go ahead, just don't vomit over me, kay?

[The bell goes, and Miss Hart dismisses the class.]

Jazmin: See you.

Scott: Yeah... If you need me, my next lesson is Business Studies, okay?

Jazmin: Whoah - Mr Cool Dude does Business Studies?

Scott: Need I bring up cookie and craft Girl Guides?

Jazmin: Ha, ha. Look I'm gonna be late. Bye.

Scott: Bye.

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