Friday 10th February 2012

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Friday 10th February 2012

Lesson One and Two, Chemistry

[Jazmin and Scott walk in. Jazmin blushes.]

Scott [uncomfortably]: Hi.

Jazmin [uncomfortably]: Hi.

Miss Hart: Silence for the test everybody, and afterwards we can play some games and listen to music.

[There is silence during the test. Jazmin finishes the test early, and spends the rest of the time watching Scott.]

Scott [whispered]: Quit watching me. Its un-nerving.

Jazmin [whispered]: Sorry. I didn't realise I was watching you. I was just thinking.

Miss Hart [looking up]: Shhh.

[They continue the rest of the test in silence. The bell goes, signalling the end of the test. Some students get games out, and Miss Hart puts the radio on. Jazmin gets a packet of crips out of her bag.]

Jazmin: Scott, want a crisp?

Scott: What flavour?

Jazmin: Barbeque.

Scott: My favourite.

[Scott takes a few crisps.]

Jazmin: Tom?

Geeky Tom [takes a crisp]: Thanks.

Scott [to Jazmin]: look, Jazzy, I need to speak to you.

Jazmin: Mmm? About what?

Scott: Uh...

[Scott is about to say something, but wimps out.]

Scott: Uh... I was just... Can I have some more crisps?

Jazmin [laughs slightly]: Sure. You're so silly.

Scott: Thanks.

Jazmin: Anytime.

[Geeky Tom pulls out a packet of Uno cards. He turns to Scott and Jazmin.]

Geeky Tom: D'you guys wanna play?

Scott: Sure.

Jazmin: Sounds fun. I love Uno.

[They play Uno for the rest of the lesson. Geeky Tom wins three times and Scott wins twice. When Jazmin wins her first game, everybody cheers.]

Scott: Wait a go, Jazzy!

Geeky Tom: I said you could play. It's easy.

Jazmin: Oh I am so gonna beat you guys now.

[By the end of the lesson, Geeky Tom has won three times, Scott has won twice, and Jazmin has won six times. At the end of the lesson, Scott and Jazmin leave together.]

Scott: I can't believe you won!

Jazmin [beaming]: Neither can I.

Scott: Hey, I'll see you after assembly, right?

Jazmin: Yeah, I'll be by the gates.

Scott: Cool.

Jazmin: See you.

Scott: See you.

After Assembly, by the school gates

[Jazmin is stood by the gates. Scott rushes up to her.]

Scott: Jazmin! I need to tell you something.

Jazmin: I need to tell you something, too.

Scott: You, first.

Jazmin: Well, I have a boyfriend.

Scott [a little speechless]: W-what...

Jazmin: He asked me out before assembly. He's in my tutor. You know, he's so sweet...

Scott: W-who...

Jazmin: Hang on, here he comes now... [Shouts.] Hey, Liam! Liam!

Scott: Liam? Who the hell is Liam?

[Liam rushes over to them, putting his arms round Jazmin's waist. She smiles up at him.]

Jazmin: Scott, this is Liam. Liam, Scott.

Liam: Hey, dude.

Scott: Hi...

Jazmin: Hey, what did you wanna say, Scott?

Scott: Uh... Nothing... I just... I forgot to give you your birthday present.

[Scott gives Jazmin a present wrapped in Christmas paper.]

Scott: Sorry... We're out of birthday wrapping paper.

Jazmin [smiles]: Thanks, Scott.

Scott: Anytime. Just, promise me one thing?

Jazmin: Yeah?

Scott: Don't open it until you get home.

Jazmin: You really are weird. Anyway, we've gotta go now, so... I guess I'll see you after half term.

Scott: What about your birthday?

Jazmin [shrugs]: I'll text you.

Scott: Kay.

[Liam and Jazmin walk off, hand in hand.]

After Jazmin's Date With Liam

[Jazmin is emptying her school bag. Scott's present falls out. She picks it up and rips off the paper. It's a jewellery case. She frowns, and opens it. Inside is a necklace. The charm is a heart. Inscribed on the heart are the words "I love you" in a fancy font. A tear trickles down Jazmin's cheek. She checks her phone: she has two texts from Scott.]

Text from Scott, recieved at 3:38 on Friday 10th February 2012:

Hey. I've just given you your present, and you've gone off with Liam. I'm kind of hoping you'll read this before you open it, 'cause I have to explain. I was going to ask you out, but then I wimped out in Chemistry so I was going to ask you after school, but now you're going out with Liam. So, if you don't want your present, can I please have it back so I can get a refund? It cost loads.

Text from Scott, recieved at 3:40 on Friday 10th February 2012:

Sorry, that sounded really... jerkish. I know jerkish isn't a word. And about your birthday, don't worry. I'm sure you'll be going out with Liam.

[Jazmin buries her head in her hands.]

Jazmin [quiety]: Oh my God... Scott...

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