Thursday 2nd February

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Thursday 2nd February 2012

Lesson Four, Chemistry

[Scott and Jazmin enter.]

Scott: Can we hang out again this lunchtime? Yesterday was epic.

Jazmin: Epic, seriously? And yeah, sure, I'll hang with you again. I guess the food fight was fun... If a little immature.

Scott: Yeah...

Jazmin: Anyway... What are we doing this lesson?

Scott: I have no idea...

[Miss Hart walks in.]

Miss Hart: Sorry I'm late everybody. I've just had a lesson full of noisy, annoying, misbehaving year elevens, so you are going to spend the entire lesson in silence.

Scott: That, apparently.

Miss Hart: I said silence and I mean it. I'm going to hand out sheets for you to fill in, and if anybody talks you'll still be here at lunchtime.

[For the rest of the lesson, Scott and Jazmin exchange notes about the answers to the sheets. When the bell goes, they walk off together to the canteen.]

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