The girl in Red

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 The Girl in red and the Lone Wolf:

School had never broken me so much till this week. Till now I've gotten by. Good grades, no clubs, sports, dances, friends, boy friends or anything like that. But now everyone was looking at every one. In such a small town a murder goes a long way in. The past two days no one can do anything let alone breath with out some one watching you or everyone knowing.
It drove me crazy I didn't need every one looking at me like I was a bug under a microscope. I liked being quite and unnoticed, but that wasn't going to happen. Two days ago Travis White was they say. I think he got drunk and pasted out or killed him self. He was the towns booze Jockey. There wasn't a day or night that man wasn't wasted out of his mind. His wife left him and took the kids with her when she found him cheating on her with another man.
It was the towns biggest scandal for years and still might be now if he wouldn't of died. Now I don't mean to sound cold hearted but the truth is he was due to die anytime now. The man drank in liquor what normal humans drink in water. The mans liver was probably so shot he couldn't pee right.
But now hes gone and the town was in mass hysteria . They were scared it would be a line of serial murders and maybe it would be but I think there all just trying to make it more than what it is. I though people were nosy then but now it was worst. Like I said you can't breath with out some one telling someone else about it.

I walked into class early and sat in the back but not in the corner. That seat was Matt James seat. And no one took it. He was the towns big shot sports star. After five minutes or so people shuffled in and took there seat. People talked but cautiously knowing what they say can and will be held against them. The bell rang and last minute people rushed in.

Rachelle sat down in her right full thrown. In the front of the class. She was the prettiest most popular girl. Well she was more of a back seat debutante kinda popular in my opinion. She smiled and wink at our teacher as he nervously started to write today's assessment on the chalk board. Rachelle giggled as she tossed her hair back and started to whisper to her friends.

After the first 20 minutes or so Mr. Matt James pops in to his seat.
Now usually now one says much or even looks at him when hes late, but with you know going on every one whispers and gossips about him. Although he looked as if he could careless. Before he took his seat he opened the window. Now that wouldn't be all that rude but this is Ohio in December. Its freezing. So every one starts complaining but yet no one stands up to close it. Well after a while I felt like i was freezer burnt so I got up and closed it.
Now all eyes were on me.

"Open the window Masterson." Matt says to me.
It came out as a growl. I suppose it would of been menacing if it were not for the fact my ear drums couldn't process the noise fully because they were frozen. I sat back in my seat after closing the window. He got up to open it.
" Its 7 degree's out James, I'd rather not get pneumonia." I say looking at him with my innocent blue eyes.
"Maybe if you got it then you'd learn your place."

He opens the window and looks at me like he's daring me to open it.
So I got up I pushed in my old as sin chair and closed the window. As soon as he went to say something the bell rang for us to go to first period and we all went to the hall.
Matt goes and catches up with his click to tell them probably what the annoying girl in history did and how as a women she should know better. But I didn't care Matt got away with everything because he was scary and scary good looking. He was 6'8 foot, deep brown hair/eyes, killer white smile and he was a foot ball player with football playing buddies. With that you can see why he's intimidating. I don't know what it is but today every body's getting on my Nerves.

Later that day after lunch:
I was walking down the hall with Shelby ( my obnoxiously dimwitted cousin.) when I see Mr. Jerk Bag aka Matt Knock a guys  books out of his hands and shove him to the ground. I felt bad because he was a nice kid, really smart and quite. But Matt choose to pick on him, constantly. De-pantsing him, calling him names, threading to have him beaten to a pulp. The worst part he was his brother. I help Alex up and Shelby picks up his books.
"Thanks Scarlett.'' He says just above a whispers.
I tell him its no big deal and offer him a ride home but he just says no, that his mother was coming pick him and Matthew up in a moment or two. That's exactly how he put it to.

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