Car journey and raped

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Elena p.o.v

I woke up well I tried to wake up something was converting my eyes and my mouth to be exact , my hands and feet are tied together. I start moving around and bang hoping where ever I am someone with hear me......

Kol p.o.v

Everyone ran to the cars and started driving straight towards the salvaotores house I'm getting MY girl back, I know I haven't officially asked her to be my girlfriend but I will do when she's back safety in my arms. Around 5 minutes later we arrived at the boarding house I was the first one out off the car and was looking around the house I check every single room and every single inch off this house but I couldn't find her anywhere.
When I get my hands on them salvatores they are going to be dead.
          "Thinking out loud brother but don't worry we will help" klaus says.

Elena p.o.v

I figured out I was in the car, after about 30 minutes the car stopped and I got yanked out by either off the brothers. One off them took off what ever that was covering my eyes and to my surprise it was Damon.
He picked me up and started walking me inside a house , I couldn't speak as my mouth was covered with some sort off  tape. Damon carried me down into an basement he put me down on a double bed which was in the middle off this room he then untied my arms and retied them to the bed but this time with handcuffs he did the same to my legs.
He then recovered my eyes so that I couldn't see a thing and what happened next I never thought he would off done to me
He raped me.......

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