chapter 2

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Liam POV

After Harry and Niall left to head home me and Zayn are happy to give the jobs they need but we are not so happy about what there lives are like because they always had good head on there and stuff like that but if you ask me I have a feeling they were played for fools by the guys they fell in love with in college they were decent at first we didn't think anything of those guys but now from what they told us we understand how much they changed afterwards

Zayn - can you believe what happened to Niall and Harry but Harry got it the worst we need to help them some how and get them out fast it the good thing that we need to plan to help them out and everything we just need them to contact us the rest is up to them I guess

Liam -you said it man I think we need to call it a day and head home my parents and sisters are in town visiting me for a few days which is great cuz I hate living alone I like I love the fact that I have my friends and family my career but it's just that aspect of not having the love of my life you know that irritates me

Zayn - yeah I understand that I wish I had someone to because it do get lonely living alone and everything like that and I also got a bit where they're coming from as well I mean you do know I have a couple of kids myself but the thing is they do live with me but the loneliness is the fact that I don't have a partner anymore but my two kids are my world that's a good thing I have a nanny and a maid that lives with me so I gotta watch my two girls but the thing is is not good knowing that their daddy will never come back home all they have is papa left so understand how they feel with their children because their daddy was doing some stuff that I didn't know he was doing he was in a gangster and everything remember and that was before we were successful in everything in our life and that was before I even knew what he was really doing because remember we met him in college too

Liam - ya we meet him in college and all that he seem like he was a good guy at the time and you had the girls for him when you where 18 but you pull thought all what's the difference between your situation and there's was the guy that you are with never once brought his gangsterish it home I kept that life totally separate from his home life with you at home he was a sweet loving caring man when do I say he was a good friend and then one day you find out he got killed during a gang shootout.  Because of that you have to raise two kids on your own in a few weeks before that happened you and I where getting are business off the ground and he said to you that he had a couple more weeks to his job and he was going to get out of him because he things with a job that you were going to have it was going to be plenty of money coming in if he could stay home and supporting you and the kids you coming up on it the reason why I got involved with the gang because he had no choice he was forced into it they told him we had a family now if you finished out the couple of years that they said he had to be in the gang  for that would set him free and that's what he was doing but he didn't make it to the final two weeks because of what happened with a rival but he was also secretly informing the cops of everything 2 and he has to from the police and returned to keep you guys out of everything it was something because his mother was ill and father need it to pay a whole lot of money to this gang so they were going to take his mother and stuff or they said one of your kids can be in the gang  for two years and your man said he do under certain conditions that you and his kids were left alone in the family was left on them and they kept have that decision and they stick to that deal because the gang  that he was in and honor none of them would bring their families into it if they didn't have to which was good and it was only like I said couple weeks and you would have had him out of his savings and you didn't know anything about it until he got killed and you're left to raise the twins on your own as a good thing by that point though that we've had the business up and running for over a year

Zayn - and I don't want them to have to go with her somewhere situation and me and me they were two situations are a lot different though please set my home life was sweet and kind it just me other half of the time to put into a situation that he had no choice about and that's what took his life but in their case they're living in hell two guys that could hurt them or their kids so the good thing they were going to get Harry and Niall out of there when the time is right

With taht me and Zayn head home we live in the same condo complex and we live in very - top penthouse they are you there across from each other and I mean we have a great big mansion when it's just me right and he in his case where he has the kids he thought this would be a good place for them to get them to school and whatever else he had to do but I forgot to mention earlier that he has put them in a boarding school so the girls her in school right now but when they come home from school they're home 24/7 and they spending time with their father and he's love them rights we do have a loneliness that I do when his kids are away at school

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