chapter 18

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Harry POV

I am not feeling the best today but that because it not easy when you are a man that pregnant and .You don't want your ex to find you because everything that he as put you through and it also very bad when you are put up against the wall and that not good at all babe   . Because you don't know what he will do if he finds you I'm so thankful that I have my Liam now because if . I don't I be in way over .My head I just want to keep me and my kids safe .

With that thought in mind I ran to the bathroom and toss my cookies and I wish that I could stop doing that because it not a really good thing if you ask me about that babe

Liam : you having really bad morning sickness babe you need anything

Harry : can you get my morning sickness pills that the dr gave and it a good thing that there made for pregnant people because you don't want some thing that not good for the babe

Liam : ya your right I'm still staying home with you but I need to get some work done so what I'm going to be doing is working from my home office and also in here when I'm laying with you to make sure that your ok and if I have any meetings that I need to be there for I'm going to be doing that by Skype if I can and the ones that I need to be at the office for I'll go long enough for that but I don't need to be there today

Harry : so you are still going to keep up with everything for work you are just working from home that good idea and I'm still your personal assistant so you know I can help you but I'm working from home to do my job if I'm up to it

Liam : if I do have you do any work it's only going to be a white stuff that you can do from  the bed babe the dr said not to over do

Harry : I know babe I. Am sacred know that my ex is out there somewhat babe and that not a good thing if you ask me

Liam : trust me babe Scotland Yard is going to find him before it too late and we can't he not getting to you and the kids if we can stop him now get some rest you need it I love you babe

With that I did what my babe asked me to do and he went to is office in the house to get his work done.i like how he stayed home we me and that good because he making sure I'm safe and find and he getting his work done to because of all the technology and stuff we have today so that's good he keeps up with it all and I'm so thankful that I finally have someone that wants to love me and my kids are the right reasons that is creepy knowing that my ex got away and is trying to find us


Liam POV

It's been a few hours now that I've been working in my office and everything here in the house cuz I don't want to fall behind at work but I don't want to leave him home alone either because of everything that I know that's going on so I'm working by having meetings on Skype and stuff like that and everything so I don't fall behind which is good I know one thing for sure I will never let his ex come and try to cause trouble again reminds me I'd better go check on my baby and see how he's doing because he's had some pretty bad morning sickness today I'm going to have to see about getting his kids back from school soon Safeway and ask if they can call me can call me Papa because he think of me more of the top of them Zack and I told him I could because I tell you the truth I am going to adopt them me and Harry had already talked about it

So right now the kids just got back from school the boys are doing there homework grils have it done and I know that when the new babies get her there going to be a big help

Liam : ok kids I'm going to check on your dad because he not feeling well today kids

Aston : that a good thing that he as you you're for sure but I have a feeling that I might have saw my other Dad or I should say the jerk you around school so it's definitely up to something and I don't want Zac back in my dad life we been together to much as it is we don't need anything else bad

And I know that they are all right and I'm going to keep them all safe because no one should ever have to be going through what he did with them all through it was about time for him to stay away he was locked up and got it we will catch him again and I will keep these kids and my baby safe and I got to check on my baby this weekend because he could be giving birth any day now because he is still pregnant first cycle last level of those kids as if they were my own as well

Laim : hey baby how you holdin up the kids are doing their homework and everything so they're almost done

Harry : better way to get a lot of work done while I slept and everything cuz I knew you had a lot to do but you didn't want to leave and go into the office if you work from home with the stuff in

Liam : yeah I work from home and everything so I forgot to turn it back to them even didn't meetings on Skype told him I wasn't feeling very good myself because I tell you the truth that you have a massive headache but they were glad that I still made a point to do my meeting is nothing by Skype so there's always ways of getting around things that you asked me because if I can't make it to the meeting I make sure I get there by Skype if I'm able to I'll try everything in my power to be present somehow

Lil Ronny sure everybody was in bed the kids and everything settle down for the night and then I checked in on my baby and he had a rough night last night it's good to know he was sleeping all day and tonight he's going to need it too cuz I know one thing for sure this pregnancy is having is pretty hard on him

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