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I shifted nervously on the balls of my feet which quickly changed to rocking back and forth. I tugged lightly on my short hair and twirled the ends between my fingers. Brushing my bangs out of my eyes I thought back to the last time I had seen the boys. We had parted ways on good terms and exchanged numbers and all that but... The only one who seemed to care was Liam. The little sweetheart would text me now and then asking me how I was and ask what I was up to. Every now and then a text would come in from Niall or Louis. Rarely Zayn, apparently he never has his phone on him. Harry and I.. Well that was different. At first we'd text each other everyday. Ask each other how we were doing and what was going on. I still wasn't sure how I felt about him. We had professed our love for each other and all that but suddenly he was a whole continent away and it sort of didn't matter any more. At least it mattered to me but it didn't feel like it mattered to him. But they're back. Well they're visiting, technically. Simon Cowell signed them. Bless his heart, god knows they sound awful.

I smiled to myself and let go of my hair. I don't know how they'll take this hair cut. It was mostly my fault. I was so upset I just couldn't... Suddenly a commotion coming from my left drew my attention. A boy in a dark jacket was on the ground and looked like he had been tripped because the blonde standing over him was laughing his ass off. I recognized them immediately. Louis jumped up and pretended to hit Niall who ducked away and hid behind Liam who looked like he was trying to break the two of them up. Zayn looked better from when I had last seen him. A tall dark girl stood next to him smiling with her sleek black hair in a ponytail. I remember Liam telling me something about Zayn getting a girlfriend. Good for him. Who I was really looking for was Harry though. His curly head popped into view and I zeroed in on him. He was definitely taller than the last time I had seen him and he had gotten a bit darker. His hair was longer and still in his face. He ran one hand through it and seemed to be scanning the crowd looking for someone. Me. He's looking for me. Wave dumbass.

I lifted my hand but Louis distracted the group by pointing at the carousel where their luggage would come out of. I decided to wait and stare at them from afar like a regular, all American stalker. Louis bounded over to it and Niall had to stop him from climbing into the damn thing. Louis made a face and crossed his arms in a huff while they waited. Liam whispered something into Harry's ear which made him smile but Harry seemed to be only paying half attention. His eyes still scanning the room. Just walk up to them. You know them. But for some reason I was frozen. Maybe it was pure shock. They got their bags in no time and I waited for the great hug out. I dropped my hands to the side fiddling with the strap of my bag. Buckle unbuckle. Buckle, unbuckle. They were coming this way. For some reasons my heart was racing. Breathe. In and out, in and out. They know you. You know them. It will be fine. Niall and Louis were running now, looking at me. Oh god they had seen me. I braced myself. But they ran past me. In fact they all walked past me. Harry was looking at the ground. He had this look on his face. Maybe he was pissed off, upset? I could never tell with him. Zayn looked slightly confused and Liam looked like he was trying to cheer Harry up. So I spoke up.

"Six months and you all just decide to walk past me like you don't know me. Who the hell do you think you are?" I said a bit loudly and teasingly. I crossed my arms over my chest. Luckily I was loud enough that Niall and Louis heard. Everyone stopped and did a 180 to look at me. Harry looked real pissed now. The rest were just confused. It registered on Liam's face first.

"Terra?" He gasped taking a step toward me.

"God! You guys get all famous and leave me in the dust? Hell, and here I was thinking you actually cared about me." I replied with a roll of my eyes. Then they were on top of me shouting my name and asking a whole bunch of questions about my hair and how I had been and what I was up to. "Guys! Guys!" They went silent. "I need air and space to move." I said wiggling in the group hug they had wrapped me up in. Together they all lowered their arms and stepped back. "Thanks." I said breathing out. I put a smile on my face and nervously hit my hands against my legs. "So. Hi." I said brightly.

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