Worth Your While

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"It'll be a little cramped don't you think?" I ask as Niall, Zayn, Hary and Liam step into the already full elevator.

"Probably yeah." Liam said shifting the duffle bag strap on his shoulder. It's the four boys and their luggage I don't think we can fit two more.

"Terra and I can just stay down here." Louis says brightly rocking back and forth on his heels but Harry is already removing himself from the four walled contraption.

"No I can stay here with her you go on up." he is staring at Louis intensly and he spoke so commandingly I think that something might be wrong. Louis shrugs picks up his bag and steps into the eleavator.

"You two crazy kids don't do anything stupid out here." he says pointing at me specifically.

"This is a public area." I retort blushing furiously.

"Would that really stop you?" I'm blushing so hard the blood might just seep out of my cheeks.

"Louis!" I shout covering my eyes like he's just shown me a horrendous picture. Louis laughs as the elevator door closes. I don't want to open my eyes though or look at Harry or look at anyone. I'm so embaressed right now I could just die. Suddenly I hear Harry chuckle. "It wasn't funny." I mutter. Harry shrugs and jsut stares at me. "What was that all about?" I ask facing him.

"What d' ya mean?" he replies raising an eyebrow.

"That. You looked like you were about to punch Louis and throw him in the elevator if he didn't get in." I explain letting my eyes slid toward the closed eleavtor doors. The numbers climb as the elevator moves upward.

"Liam said you two were flirting." Harry grumbles. I'm so surprised I burst out laughing. Harry doesn't look too amused though. "It's not funny." he snaps at me, but it is funny. It's hilarious.

"He was just teasing Harry. Besides Louis and I? We wouldn't go good together." I shake my head letting the small giggles escape along with it.

"How would you know? You're his type." This is a shock.

"I'm his type? That's news to me. I'm nobody's type. I'm at the bottom when it comes to type."

"You're my type. You're at the top." I'm caught off guard by how sweet he's being. I think he might kiss me by the way he's looking at me. How I long for his lips to be pressed against mine. He leans down as the elevator door dings. I take a step back. Liam stands in the open doorway door key cards in hand.

"I had gotten to our floor before I realized you can't come up without one of these." he says sheepishly handing us one.

"It's ok Liam. Come on Harry." I shuffle his suitcase closer to the door but he removes my hands from the handle and picks it up with ease. We enter the elevator and Liam slides the card into the slot of the elevator. The door slides closed. "How come we need our door keys to get up?" I ask outloud.

"Apparently a lot of famous people come here when they visit and the manager doesn't want just anybody walking in and riding around in the elevator to all floors looking for 'em." Liam shrugs and I laugh.

"So you guys are up in the big leagues now!"I say with a smile.

"We're still us." Liam says sincerly. I snort.

"Yeah but now you can have it all. The fame, fortune! .. Girls." I add after a thought. Liam smiles

"There's only one girl for me." I smile and nod recalling a girl named Danielle.

"How is she?" I ask to be polite.

"She's doing fine. She's back in Europe." I laugh.

"So how come Zayn can bring his girl?" Harry speaks up next to me.

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