Chapter 5

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Alyss~ Hey guys here's the fith chapter! yay i know it's taken awhile to get here and i am sorry about that haha any way here it is!

oh and that's Ethan on the side i just love that pic :)


Chapter 5

The bell rang and instead of heading straight to class like normal when it was cold out I walked over to where Jimmy and I would always meet up. When he saw me standing there he walked over to where I was shivering. He only shook his head but I knew for a fact he wouldn’t walk by me.

"Dude what are you doing out here it's not freezing unless of course it's you we're talking about."

 "Shut up idiot I don't want to go to third yet."

"Putting it off are we? Well lets go talk to your teacher and see if you can come to my song and writing class instead of Spanish 2."

“Tempting but I need to start a project that I’ve missed and only problem is it’s a Q and A with none other than Seth.” I snapped quietly at him,

“Why aren’t you happy about that you’ve had a crush on him since like, I don’t know since he moved up here.” He gave a confused look and I nearly growled at him but sighed instead.

“Look it’s a long story I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t find you at nutrition okay I told you he was a wolf too. Use your brain for once jimmy piece it together I know you’re smarter than this.”

“Oh.” He said and then it suddenly struck him, “Oh! Wow I am so stupid sorry Caleb I forgot you came to school with him this morning no duh he’s going to interrogate you like no tomorrow.”

“Not if I ask him my questions first.” I stated and he just shook his head at me.

“Look just be careful okay I got to get to class, teacher will wonder why I suddenly started showing up late again.” He smiled and then walked off leaving me and my dilemma all alone.  I sighed and walked up the ramp and into my Spanish 2 class only to find Seth talking to the teacher. As soon as she saw me she made a motion for me to walk over to her desk and stand next to Seth.

“Okay so you too can go to the Library and get started on the assignment since you’ll need a quiet environment and the class will be loud today due to another group activity. It’ll be due for you two on Friday so have it done by Wednesday so you have plenty of time to type up the report and your presentation as well. Oh and Caleb Seth has all the paper work for both of you.” She smiled at us so we could leave the class and not come back for the rest of the period. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was Seth’s doing or not but it didn’t matter the Librarian was never around he always sat and played games on his computer in the office that was in the far corner with actual walls around it. That meant I could ask the many questions that I had come up with so far but that also meant being alone for ninety minutes with the person I liked the most.

We got our stuff and walked silently towards the newest building of our school, when we entered it there were a few people out in the hallways and they were none other than Quinton, Chandler, and Spencer the three stoners of the school who almost no one knew about. As soon as they saw me all three grinned at me and I knew I something was going to happen, the three where supposed to be in Drama but never were in the actual class though somehow they managed to get A’s in the class.

Spencer shot off the ledge the three were sitting on and screamed at me then sprinted as fast as he could out of there. Seth gave me a weird look as when I stopped and raised my eyebrow at the other two.

“In due time Caleb in due time.” Chandler said with a British accent before he slide from where he had been sitting and sauntered over to me. I waited hoping he wouldn’t do anything to me but of course that didn’t happen. He smacked my ass and ran away while yelling, “I raped Caleb!”

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