Decisions Decisions

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"Angel stop starring! Could you be more obvious?" Mara groaned trying to pull me away.

"What is...what is he doing here?" I chocked out. my eyes were starting to burn from how long I had kept them open.

"Getting a drink with Audrey. They have no place to go, Angel. They just witnessed their whole family being murdered and the only home they know being burnt to the ground. Where would you go?"

I stare into the window, my whole mind numb. I couldn't find a single word to say, and even if I could I don't think I'd be able to choke it out. Confused was a huge understatement of what I was at the moment.

"Is" I say.

"They're going to find them if you don't go back. They'll come looking for you, and they'll find them. But, if you go back now, Daemon and Auvery can get away, they can warn the other clans of the threat."

I wanted to run in and jump into his arms. I was mentally making a list of questions in need of answers. How did they escape the fire, and the ravenous pack werewolves swarming the palace? Were they alright? Does he hate me for technically betraying him, abandoning him, and nearly killing him? O___O

"Okay, I know what your thinking Angel, as always. And let me just say, one; that's a terrible question to ask, two; you never betrayed anyone, and three; he will hate you if you get him caught. I only showed you he survived to snap some sense into you and give you some incentive to stop being a stupid bitch."

"Hey!" I said snapping out of my short daze.

"Obviously it didn't work," she grumbled. "So I'm reduced to threatening you. If you don't fucking corporate with Kaden right now I'll turn you into a rabbit, skin you, and eat you."

"Wait...what?" I said staring at her with wide eyes.

"Kaden is coming."

"I don't want to be a rabbit!" I said startled.

"Than fix this and corporate!"

"Help me than! What do I do?"

"No! Help yourself!

"Mara!!" I yelled. I blinked and she was gone, leaving me on my own. I had to think quickly, Kaden was coming and this is the second time I've ran from him. I've stalled his pack for hours now and had them searching through the woods for me and on top of that let's not forget, I stabbed him.

Okay so first thing is first, get away from Daemon, resist the urge to run smack into his arms and hope our lips somehow meet in the collision, easier said than done. I look around desperately and panic when I see Kaden! He didn't see me yet, he was across the street talking to Moreau. I try to focus on what to do but I can't help but notice Moreau has seen more than once, but why doesn't he tell Kaden?

I have to believe he's stalling for me to get away, but no no I cant, my legs refuse to move.

Mara wants me to go back to Kaden and leave Daemon, yet Moreau seems to be trying to help me to escape? Why do both options seem so wrong?! Is there a third option? I turn away from Moreau's eyes and look back to Daemon, nearly fainting when I see him and Audrey staring at me. I could see the hatred burning in Audrey's dark eyes, the fact that she resembled Erica so perfectly made me forget the good sweet Audrey I had come to know. Daemons eyes had a number of emotions; confusion, depression, anger, shock, most of all he looked lost.

I can't leave them, Mara had a point, where can they go? I placed myself in their shoes and figured out how hard it was to walk. All the pain I had felt the last few days, the last few hours, couldn't possibly match what they've gone through. I can't leave them, I won't.

I have to find a way where they will be safe from Kaden, how will I know he won't hunt then down as soon as I give myself up to him. I can't stay with them. No no no there's no way that can happen. Kaden will never stop looking. He'll tear apart the whole city until he finds me. There was a reason he saved me, there was a reason for the massacre, I don't know what the fuck that reason is but I know if I run I'll never know. I have to make a decision, I have to make one now.

Kaden is so close, but Daemon is closer. Seth isn't here to help, Mara has abandoned me, Moreau can only stall for so long. I was afraid if I looked at Kaden he'll be running towards me.

Audrey and Daemon have gotten up from the table, and are walking towards me.

I have to do something.

I have to think.

Fucking hell what do I do!?

I have an idea.

"Kaden!" I call. His head snaps in my direction and his eyes widen as they spot me. I repeatedly jumped up and down to make sure I had his attention. "It's Daemon, and his sister, the Royals survived!" I screamed. Kaden rushed towards me leaving Moreau dumb struck. In a moment he's standing in front of me staring back at a now frightened looking Daemon and Audrey. He looks back at Moreau and knows at him and with a quick glance at me Moreau runs, to get the rest of the pack I think.

Kaden looks down at me, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, as if trying to find out what the hell is going through my mind. I narrow my eyes back and mumble "your welcome."

He pushes past me into the cafe towards Daemon and his sister. I look away when I see Kaden lunge at Daemon with a brute force I look behind me and see his pack gathering together following their leader to seize the Royals. Moreau is amongst them.

I feel small claws running up my leg, then back, then to my shoulder, and I know not to flinch because it's most likely Mara.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Moreaus says standin beside me as we watch my old best friend and the love of my life be cornered by a pack of cruel mindless monsters.

"Me too," Mara whispers so only I can hear.

"That makes three of us," I mumble to myself.



Hey guys ._.

I'm sorry for not updating but I'm starting to write again. To be honest I've had a lot of hell going on lately but I'm back now and will be updating a lot more often^-^


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