Gibbs - Love In An Elevator

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A/N: Here's some Gibbs love!! I personally have a thing for older men like Mark Harmon. Please, send in your requests! As freaky as you'd like. It won't bother In this there will be ass play and rough sex. Enjoy! This will also be a character x reader.

You were pissed. Jethro stood you up again for dinner last night. You understand he's a busy man, but a short call would've been sufficient. You felt like an idiot sitting at the restaurant nibbling on bread sticks and drinking wine.
You hadn't been seeing him long either. So, why were you so angry? It doesn't matter. You were already in the elevator and on your way up to give Jethro a tongue lashing. Too late to turn back now, your pride told you.
When the doors to the elevator open, you straighten your posture, jut your chin forward, and make a beeline straight to the bullpen.
They were all on their computers and Jethro didn't even glance your way when you stopped in front of his desk.
Your anger sizzled and your words were spoken a little louder than you intended.
"Jethro, who the hell do you think you are?"
He finally looks at you, glacial blue eyes narrowed. You falter. Your heart thuds hard in your chest.
When he stands, you bite your lip and want to run for the nearest exit.
You aren't afraid of him by any means, but you were melting into a puddle under his intense gaze.
You finally find your voice, but it comes out shaky.
"You stood me up." You were embarrassed at how weak you sounded and it refueled your anger.
"I felt like a damn idiot sitting at the restaurant last night thinking maybe, just maybe, the great LeRoy Jethro Gibbs would actually fucking show up!"
He rounded his desk and stopped in front of me, eyes blazing.
"Want me to call security, boss?" Tony asked, picking up his phone and already dialing the number.
"I got it," Jethro said, not taking his eyes off you. He was so close to me that you could feel the heat of his anger radiating off his body.
He roughly grabbed your upper arm and you winced at the pain. He was leading you out of the bullpen and towards the elevator. Realizing he was making you leave without giving me an explanation, you tried to pull out of his grip. "No! I'm not leaving until you tell me why you didn't at least call me!"
He shoves you in the elevator with such force you have to brace yourself against the wall. You hear the doors close and you turn around to get back out of the elevator. You collide with Jethro unexpectedly with an 'umph'.
You look up into his eyes and your breath hitches. He looks angry, hungry, and he has you in his crosshairs. His scent of cedar and fresh laundry creep into your nose and on him, it's intoxicating.

"Are you going to make it a habit coming here like this?" He finally speaks, reaching behind him and flipping a switch. The elevator comes to a halt and the lights dim.

"I... um..." You stammer.

He starts walking forward and you can't help but take steps back until your back hits the wall. You have nowhere to escape. You're stuck.
He presses his body against yours and you feel like you can't breathe. With him being so close, your breath nearly escapes you.
You feel his warm, calloused hand slide up your thigh. His hand reaches your denim covered hip, fingers digging in almost painfully and you gasp.
You close your eyes, not able to look directly into his anymore. You swallow hard when you feel the warmth of his lips close to yours.
You feel his other hand reach for the button of your shorts and your eyes fly open.
"Shut up," he snaps and unbuttons your shorts. Your mouth closes and his lips crash on yours and you forget how to breathe for a moment.
Your entire body feels flush. You moan when his hand dips under the waist of your shorts, making them fall to the ground.
When both hands cup your ass, you gasp and looks at you, smiling.
"No underwear, Y/N?"
You shake your head because words escape you. You can hardly think, let alone speak with his hands on you like this.
He gives your ass a hard smack, causing you to groan. You feel where he smacked your ass starting to warm and you're positive there's a welt in the shape of his hand print there.
Having enough of him being in control, you reach up and grab his collar, yanking him towards you. The act causes a sound to come out of his chest that sounds like a strained growl.
You keep your hand on his collar and extend your other hand out to rub the front of his pants where his impressive erection is. He lets out a shaky breath and marvel at how close LeRoy Jethro Gibbs was to losing complete control.
You didn't care that he stood you up last night anymore. You want him. Needed him. Your sex had already started dripping with your need and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Please..." you plead, not sure how to tell him what you need from him.
He flashed you a knowing smile and sank to his knees in front of you.
The sight of a man as powerful as Jethro on his knees in front of you was almost enough to make you come undone right then. Almost.
He places a trail of kisses from the middle of your thigh, stopping before he gets to your throbbing sex. He locks his thumb before firmly pressing it against your swollen bundle of nerves and your hips buck.
"So wet," he says, admiring your slick folds and you bite your lip. That's not something you'd ever think you would hear him say. He slides his index finger down your slit, moistening it, before slipping it into your waiting heat. He crooks it toward him, hitting that ever-so-sweet spot and you cry, out almost losing balance as your legs to gelatin. Jethro removes his finger and you whimper at the loss of contact.
He reaches his hand between your legs, pass your sex, and under your ass. He uses his finger moistened with your juices and presses it against your puckered hole and you hold your breath in anticipation.
He keeps it at the entrance and applies pressure without slipping the digit in.
You feel his warm breath at you sex and your heart thuds in your chest even harder. He uses his free hand to nudge your legs apart.
The first long strip he licks up your sex makes you cry out his name. You look down and his eye are boring into yours, assessing your reaction to his ministrations. He lives up your slit with more pressure and draws your swollen bud into his mouth and sucks hard. You gasp and buck your hips to his mouth causing the finger playing with your puckered hole to slip in. You scream in pleasure, every nerve in your body on fire, burning like liquid metal where his finger and mouth is.
You run my fingers through his silver hair and try to pull him closer. He groans and stops what he's doing, getting to his feet. You almost regret doing what you did, until he rips open your button-up blouse, sending buttons flying and ricocheting off the walls of the elevator. He smiles when he sees you didn't bother wearing a bra today either.
He dips his head draws one of your pebbled nipples into his mouth and sucks lightly. Your head falls back and you moan at the wet heat of his mouth on your nipple.
When he pinches your other nipple between his thumb and index finger, tugging hars, you let out a a loud gasp. Everything he's doing to you is like jolts of electricity through your entire body.
"Jethro..." you croak out.
He shushes you and you quiet immediately. You don't want this to stop. You need this.
His hand reaches for his zipper and your eyes lock on it. When he pulls it down, you hold your breath, waiting to see what his pants hid.
When he finally pulled it out, you faltered. It's huge, you think to yourself. How is that ever going to fit? Without painfully stretching you, you see no other way.
You reach out to grip it, but he stops you and you almost sigh in frustration.
"I need to be in you now," his voice comes out hoarse. He presses his body against yours and the contrasting textures of your sensitive bare skin against his suit made you breathe in sharply. He reaches his hand between your bodies and undoes his belt before in clasping his gray suit pants. You close your eyes and brace yourself against the wall of the elevator. When you hear his pants hit the floor, you hold your breath. When you feel his rough, warm hands grip tightly under your ass, you hold onto his strong shoulder.
In one quick motion, he lifts you up and lowers your sex onto his member and your nails dig into his shoulders. He has you firmly pressed against the wall as he starts slowly fucking you, allowing you to accommodate his girth.
Your senses are overwhelmed. You feel him all around you. You're consumed with heat. All you can hear is skin against skin, grunts of pleasure coming from Jethro, and your breathy moans.
Jethro's thrusts become quicker and harder, nearly knocking the wind out of you. You bury your face into the crook of his neck and let him pummel you into coital bliss.
You feel tears prick at your eyes as your orgasm builds. Jethro's breathing becomes labored and his thrust sloppy. He's getting close, too.
You feel something in you snap and you let out a cry of ecstasy. Your orgasm rocked through your body like an earthquake. As you start coming down from your orgasm, Jethro let's out a long guttural growl and stills inside you finding his own release.
He pulls himself out of you and carefully places you back down. Your legs feel like jello and you're out of breath, head still reeling.
Jethro pulls up his pants and does everything.
You can still feel your pulse everywhere and aren't fully back to reality quite yet. You barely register Jethro throwing you your shorts.
"Sorry," he says quietly, giving you a crooked grin.
You give him a confused look. "For what?" You ask.
He straightens his collar and says, "Last night."
"Oh..." was all you could manage.
You pull on your shorts and button them. When you reach for the buttons on your shirt, you quietly curse to yourself. You also forgot Jethro sent them flying when he ripped open your shirt.
Jethro smiled at you and shrugged off his suit jacket before tossing it to you. You put it on and breathe in his scent that was now surrounding you.
"Thanks," you whisper.
Jethro approaches you again and gives you a soft kiss on the cheek which melted your heart.
"My place? Twenty-one hundred hours?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
You smile and nod.
Jethro turns to flip the switch, turning the elevator back on. When the doors open, Tony is standing right there, looking like he had his ear pressed against the elevator door listening. He jumps back and you close the front of Jethro's jacket around you, making yourself acutely aware of how you must look.
Tony gives you a knowing look and smiles. "Long apology, huh, boss?"
Jethro walks put of the elevator and smacks Tony in the back of the head. Tony flinches and rubs his head. Jethro glances at you and smiles, but keeps walking to the bullpen. You smile back and look over at Tony. He was still wearing a shit-eating grin and you roll your eyes as the elevator doors ding close.
When they're finally close you can't help but have a huge grin on your face.
"I wonder what he'll do tonight..." you whisper to yourself and press the button for the ground floor.


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