Baby on Board - Tim McGee

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"Oh, my God! He's going to kill me. That's it, I'm dead. Start making funeral arrangements," your boyfriend is pacing frantically in your apartment after learning you're expecting.

"Tim, calm down. My dad is understanding," you try to calm him to no avail. He looks at you with wide eyes and a doubtful look at his face.

"Gibbs...understanding." he let out a frustrated laugh. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. "LeRoy Jethro Gibbs is the exact opposite!"

"Well, he wants to see us..." you trail off when Tim's face pails as realization punches him in the gut.

"You told him already? Y/N, we're not even engaged!"

You just sit there not knowing what to say to calm him. Suddenly anger strikes through you as you realize Tim doesn't seem the least bit happy.

"So, I suppose you want me to get rid of it?" Heat is creeping up your face and tears cloud your vision. "No, I won't have an abortion. Don't worry though. You won't have any responsibility for it. I have a good job and-"

Tim cuts you off by kissing your lips. You hadn't noticed he crossed the room. You push him away, still angry with him. 

He cradles your face between his hands and wipes away your tears with his thumbs. "I'm so sorry, babe. I didn't stop to think of how you feel.

"I'm scared, Tim. I'm terrified. I don't know what to expect. I already feel like death because of the horrible morning sickness." He pulls you into a tight hug. You sigh, feeling more calm as he places a soft kiss on top of your head.

"Come on. I'll face Gibbs with you. It'll be okay," he says as he takes your hand. "How did he react when you told him, by the way?"

"He was... quiet."

You heard him quietly curse under his breath as he lead you out of the door and down to his car. The car ride to your dad's house was quiet. Tim occasionally placed soft kisses on the hand he held.

When you guys pulled up to your dad's house, your stomach did flips. Whether it was nerves or your new pregnancy, you didn't know. Perhaps it was both. Tim turned off the car and you could hear him swallow. He reluctantly opened his door and walked around to your door and opened it.

You smiled when he helped you stand and said, "I'm not huge yet, Tim."

"Sorry. I just feel like you're so fragile now."

"I'm pregnant, not porcelain, Tim." You let out a light chuckle when his face falls flat.

Your thread your fingers in his and squeeze lightly. When you start walking toward the house, you feel some resistance from Tim, but he reluctantly follows behind you. When you reach the door and lift your fist to knock on the door, it's already being opened.

You smile at your dad who is also smiling and pull him into a big hug.
Tim's heart nearly explodes when Gibbs glares at him while hugging you.

When you pull apart from your dad when you suddenly feel sick and run into the house to get puke.

"Tim.." Gibbs says flatly while he heard you puking in the bathroom. Gibbs steps aside and lets Tim in. When Tim steps in, Gibbs places a firm hand on the back of his neck and Tim flenches.

You come out of the bathroom, face red from getting sick and look at your dad. He doesn't look happy. You'd figured this wasn't going to be easy.

"Sir," Tim starts.

"Don't 'sir' me," your father's voice comes out stern and laced with irritation.

"Dad, Tim and I love each other. This baby will be loved. Tim and I are responsible adults!"

"Y/N, usually responsible adults don't have to say they are responsible. This," he motions between you and Tim, "is the most irresponsible thing you could ever do!"

"Do you mean us or this baby?" Your voice sounds hurt. Your dad's face softens when he sees you unconsciously rub your belly that's already slightly bloated from the new hormones.

He lets out and breath and hugs you. "I'm sorry, Y/N. It's just hard seeing my baby girl grow up. It seems like yesterday I was holding this tiny squishy thing in my hands. The moment I saw you, I was wrapped around your little, wrinkly finger." He laughs at the memory.

"We got this, dad."

"I know you do. Tim, take care of her and my..." he clears his throat, trying to hide his emotion. He continues, "Take care of my grand baby."

"Dad, it's a Gibbs. We're tough."

He nods and Tim speaks up. "I promise, boss. I won't let any harm come to them."

"Good," was all you dad said.

"Do you want to come to our first appointment? They're going to do an ultrasound."

Your dad nods again.

"We gotta go, dad. I have to get vitamins and preggy pops for nausea. I can't keep anything down."

"Ginger ale helps," he smiles and you nod, giving him another hug.

"Congratulations, kid," he whispers in your hair.

You squeeze him once and turn to Tim who still looks like a deer in headlights. You walk to the door and Tim quickly follows after you, ready to get out of there.

Once you were in the car, you rubbed Tim's hand and said, "See? It wasn't that bad."

"Says're not the one that impregnated his daughter."

You laugh and Tim pulls out of the driveway.

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