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Prologue: Words of Wisdom

April 27th, 2012

Dear Esteemed Students,

            It has come to my attention that once again you have chosen to partake in the annual mockery of a game that is well known as “Assassin”. I naturally enjoy when the students of my institution are happy and get to participate in their traditions, however, I am afraid that this year there can be no such event occurring on our campus.

I know a lot of effort has been placed in making this year’s “game” a pure delight, but some faculty members don’t think that the statement “you’re dead” being shouted at students is a laughing matter. There was an email from Ms. Rosenberry yesterday disapproving of the word “kill” and “dead” in reference to the game because self-esteem would be at risk and the human mind would be corrupt. The truth is, death is not fun at all. In fact it’s a serious matter

For the freshman or any new students of ICU that have no prior knowledge as to the subject of my letter, allow me to explain. “Assassin” is a game that is played every year by the student body as part of spirit week. You are assigned someone to “kill” and you are also being “hunted” at the same time. Some of the rules are as follows; you have to “kill” your person when they are alone and cannot be seen by anyone (I should note that you can get your target on the way to their class just as long as you’re not caught in the act). If someone witnesses you “murdering” someone else, they can report that person to the game director, which is headed this year by Eric Wilkens, and that person could potentially be revived. You must not “die”; that is probably the most obvious of rules. Another rule is that once you have “killed” your person, they tell you the person that they had to “kill” who becomes your new target. You cannot play during classes and you have until the end of the week to “kill” your person. Whoever is the last one standing wins.

I personally agree that cutting the game from the university’s activities would be a nice break. It would give us more time to focus on the academics and help grow as a community. It would allow us to prosper as a beacon for inspiration and help us make a positive impression for the city that we represent. Besides, we are the future and the future is not a silly game of who is “alive” and who is “dead”.

Ichabod Crane University was founded on the fundamentals of struggle and life being supplies to help us grow. I believe that the game backtracks our progress that we have made over these many generations. I insist to desist and end this obscure annual game in order for our community to become a friendly and safe environment for all, physically and mentally.

            Please note that I am taking this change seriously. Anyone continuing to play this game will be subject to various forms of strikes and penalties against their school record and/or suspension.

I hope these words have shed some light on what this game is truly about.

Have a great rest of the year,

Professor James Ellison PhD

President of ICU

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