Chapter 19

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Aphmau POV

I am awoken to a noise in the distance. A howl I should say. I get out of my cold and wet sleeping bag and walk into a tent to see Max and Katelyn asleep. I shake Max awake.

"Jess what do you want?" He whisper shouts at me, angry that I woke him up.

"I heard a werewolf howl. It's not that far away." I drag him out of the tent. It's dark since the fire has gone but I have my night vision so I can see in the distance. "It came from over there." I point into a direction of the forest."

"What do you suggest we do?" Ross asks from behind us, rubbing his eyes.

"You heard it as well?" I ask. He nods.

"Well I suggest one of us stays here while the other two goes to see what is happening." Max says.

"I say that Ross stays." I say.

"Okay I will stay and take care of the others. Stay safe." Ross says. We all nod to each other before me and Max walk back into the direction we came from. We walk for a few minutes in silence before hearing a few more howling very close now. We both look at each other before jumping up into the trees to watch some werewolves run just below us. We jump down and run after them.

"Let's surprise attack them before they can reach the base." I tell him. He nods before we both start chasing the werewolves that have either heard or smelt us and turned around. I bring my budder swords out. "Let's do this." We both strike at them with our swords, killing a few of them while dodging any of their own attacks. We kill most of them before they retreat back into the forest.

"Let's head back to camp. They shouldn't bother us for a while." Max says. I nod before sneezing. "You okay? Are you getting another cold?" He asks. I just shake my head.

"I'm fine." I tell him. Soon, we reach the camp to see Ross waiting for us.

"How did it go?" He asks.

"We killed most of them but they shouldn't come bother us." Max informs him before yawning. "Now I'm going back to sleep. Night." He waves before going back into his tent.

"Night Jess." Ross says before going into his own tent. I just get back into my sleeping bag next to the unlit fire and close my eyes. Soon I fall asleep. Somehow.

"Jess get up. It's time to go." I hear somebody say as they shake me. I pretend that I am still sleeping, hoping they would leave me alone. "Any luck waking the other two Castor?" I have now identified the voice as Katelyn.

"They seem really tired. Maybe it would be a good idea to let them rest for a little while longer." I can feel somebody picking me up. "I'm going to take her into your tent. Mind if I put her in your sleeping bag? Hers is wet from the snow." He takes me out of my sleeping bag to see a blood stain on my shirt.

"Sure go ahead." She looks at my shirt. "She didn't have that on her yesterday did she?" Katelyn asks.

"We will ask her when she wakes up." Castor takes me into the tent and places me in Katelyns sleeping bag before leaving, letting me fall back into my slumber.


I wake up to Jess waking up herself next to me rubbing her eyes. I look at the time on my watch to see that it's 11am. We was meant to leave an hour ago.

"Why are you in here?" I ask. She shrugs.

"Castor carried me in here since my sleeping bag was wet and we were not waking up." She tells me before sneezing.

"Let's go and make some breakfast so we can leave. The quicker we leave this place, the better." I tell her. She nods and we both leave the tent.

"Morning you two! It's about time you woke up." Katelyn says. We just nod at her before taking some food out nod eating it. Ross is already here.

"So why do you two have blood stains on your clothes?" Castor asks. I just shrug.

"Their was some werewolf a last night that we killed. Nothing much." I say.

"Is that why you guys wouldn't wake up?" Katelyn asks. We all nod. Soon, we are back on our journey. Luckily, we aren't that far. We soon reach the volcano.

"We made it!" Ross celebrates. While everybody starts to talk, I go around the volcano to find an entrance. I soon find a door that's blended in with the Volcano and call everyone over.

"I found an entrance. You guys ready?" I ask them. They all reply with yes. I open the door. I instantly notice the lava at the end of the tunnel and soon, we make it into the centre. In the middle of a lava pool, there is a house with a light on inside. Well I know where he lives now. "You guys stay here. I'm going to go and knock." Before they can reply, I run and jump over the big pool of lava and walk up to the door. I knock. The light inside instantly turns off. I knock again gently. Nobody answers. I open the door quietly to see a shadow running down into the basement. I follow it to see Preston and two other familiar faces, talking in the corner.

"Why are we down here?" Nick asks.

"There was somebody at the door. Only a few people know of the house in this volcano." Preston replies.

"Well how do they know where you li-" Corey stops talking as soon as his camera lens notices me.

"If you are trying to keep people out, maybe lock the door first?" The other two turn around and looks at me with wide eyes.


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