Chapter 30

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Aphmau POV

I open my eyes to see that the explosion that was meant to happen has stopped. Actually, time has stopped.

"I haven't done that in a long time." Jin says, walking towards me. Let me explain what Jin can do. As you all know, he is the smartest out of us all but there is a way he does that. He freezes time to learn all of the information he knows now. He is known as the time keeper. He can also slow down time making it seem like he is a fast runner and reader. He just slows everything else down.

"How long do we have?" I ask.

"Well I have only slowed down time as much as I can. I'm not strong enough anymore to stop it. You need to put a shield over it." He tells me. I look at with wide eyes.

"I can only use that in my Irene form! Whoever is at that door doesn't know about my Irene form or about my second life but Kala!" I say to him. I notice the unstable ingots explosion start to grow.

"You need to! I can't hold it for any longer!" He says, sweat dripping down his forehead. I look at the door to see Sly and Kala. Sly has his suit but Kala has nothing to protect her. This is when I make up my mind. I close my eyes and concentrate on my Irene form, imagining myself to be her. I open my eyes and put a shield over the explosion as soon as Jin's powers let out. I feel the explosion push against the shield breaking it. The only way I fix it is expanding the shield. I keep expanding the shield but the explosion is still cracking the shield. Sly and Kala are starting at me with confusion.

"Jess stop expanding the shield! You will be pulled into it!" Jin tells but it's too late. The shield goes behind me without me noticing. The last thing I see before falling unconscious is the explosion disappearing as soon as the explosion destroys my shield.

After the explosion, I open my eyes. I seem to be standing in front of a White Castle in a white area. Everything is white. How did I get here and why? I walk into the castle to see a throne with a beautiful woman wearing the same clothes as my Irene form. She looks like the older version of me.

"Mom?" I ask. She smiles at me before opening her arms. I run into them.

"Mom I have missed you so much! I miss having you around." I start to cry. This is when I get a thought. "Wait, am I dead? I can't be dead! I need to help defeat the squids!" I jump out of her arms, panicking.

"You aren't dead. You are just healing slowly. Right now, you are in a coma like you have been for the last two weeks. What you did was heroic but stupid and you should be more careful because next time, I won't be their to erase Starks sons memories about that event." She scolds me. My eyes widen at what she said. Starks son.

"Who is Stark?" I ask her.

"Your friends father of course. The old Iron Man. All of the super heroes are taking on their parents duties since they are now gone from the world but it wasn't meant for them to lose their memories. I could give them their memories but I can only return Kala's at this moment. When you wake up, please return them as she is waiting at your bed side." She says, a bit rushed.

"Wait! Why are you talking so fast!?" That's when I start to see myself disappear. "No! I can't leave yet! I want to spend time with you!" I start to cry. She just kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry but it's time to leave. Goodbye and I will see you when it is your time." Is the only thing she says before I start to fall into a pit of darkness, making me jump up in my bed. Wait, this isn't my bed and what's with that annoying beeping sound? I turn to my side without trying to hurt myself like I just did to see a sleeping Kala beside my bed. She is the only one here. I hold my palm upwards to see a ball of different memories belonging to Kala. It was an orphanage. She was getting bullied. It was horrible! How could somebody treat her like that. I don't notice a tear fall down my face until somebody wipes it away.

"Jess why are you crying?" Kala asks. I look up to her, sniffling, before answering.

"I thought it would be a good idea to give you your memories but they are so sad!" I burst out crying, making her hug me.

"How did you get my memories?" She asks me.

"That's not important but I know what's in them. I don't think you would want them and if it was my choice, I wouldn't give them to you but it's not my choice at all. It's yours. Do you want your memories back?" I ask her. She puts on a thoughtful look. Maybe five minutes later she answers.

"Well I am stronger now. I think I deserve to know the truth of my past. Please can I have them back." She asks me. I hold the orb in my hands before telling her to close my eyes. She does. I push it close to her head and they absorb into her, making her fall unconscious. I take all of the iv things out of my arms and slowly get off of the bed before switching places with Kala. The pain is lessened from the scarf I am wearing that is owned by a certain friend of mine. Suddenly, the door is slammed open.

"Jess your okay." Sky quietly says, standing at the door, a tear coming down his face.

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