Chapter 31

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Aphmau POV

Sky runs up to me, not bothering to put his sunglasses back on that have fallen on the ground when he was wiping his tears.

"I didn't think you would wake up after that explosion. What were you thinking, trying to do something dangerous! If I knew that making these Angel rings would be very dangerous then I wouldn't have told you to make them." His golden eyes produce more tears as he hugs me. Where are his eye patches anyway?

"I didn't think I would be interrupted. If Kala and Sly didn't interrupt me then I would have finished it." I pat his back, trying to calm him down. It hurts to move.

"I'm just so glad your awake. You have been asleep for a month." He says. Wait... Mom told me I was asleep for two weeks.

"Let's get you sorted out them shall we?" I summon two eye patches and put them on Adams eyes before slowly standing up with shaking legs and picking up the sunglasses on the floor before walking out of the hospital room and into the living room of the mansion to see everybody asleep on the couches. I go over to Castor before lying down next to him and cuddling him, slowly falling asleep.

Kala POV

I open my eyes, escaping the memories of my past. I see why Jess didn't want me to see them but I am stronger now. I can take it. I get out of Jess's bed and walk into the living room to see everybody sleeping, including Jess who is cuddled up to Castor. I take out my phone and quickly take a few pictures. By few, I mean 163. As soon as I'm done, I walk into the kitchen to see Sky cooking some food.

"Isn't it a bit late to cook food? It's 2 am." I ask him while looking for a glass. He hands me one and I fill it with water before drinking it.

"It was for Jess but she fell asleep so I thought you would want it when you woke up." He takes the bacon off of the grill before giving me some and saving some for himself.

"Thanks." I say before stuffing my face, just thinking about my memories. About all of my bullies. Where are they all now? Will they find me?

"Kala are you okay?" Sky breaks me out of my thoughts. I look up at him before replying.

"I'm fine, just thinking." I reply to him before standing up. "I'm going to go to sleep now. Good night Adam." I say before walking out of the kitchen and into the room with all of the beds set up. I lie down next to Cadenza before falling asleep.

Aphmau POV

I wake up to falling out of the bed and a shouting Castor.

"Why is their somebody on my bed!" He shouts. I groan. He doesn't like sleeping with anybody else but me and I don't think he knew it was me so he obviously had to push me off of the bed.

"That hurt! I'm trying to sleep here after being in a coma for a month and the first thing you do is push me off a bed? I'm still healing!" I shout at him, not bothering to get up but instead, holding my torso to see if the pain would lessen. It didn't but oh well.

"Jess?! Oh my Thor! I am so sorry. What are you doing out of your hospital bed and why are you in mine? Since when did you wake up? Wh-" before he could continue, I hit him over the head with a pillow.

"Stop rambling and help me up!" I shout at him before groaning. He quickly picks me up and puts me on the bed while everybody else is slowly starting to wake up.

"What's going on? What's with all the yelling?" Jin asks, looking over at me. His eyes slowly widen before he runs up to me and hugs me.

"Hey Jin. Sorry for waking you up." I pat his back.

"I didn't think you were going to wake up!" Is all he says, still hugging me. Everybody soon notices me and come up to me, joining the hug. Soon, it's a group hug with some other members that weren't here before.

"When did Jason and Shelby come?" I ask Max.

"While you were in a coma, Jin build the space suits and we flew up and got him and Ross called Shelby." He explains. I just nod before going over to Minecraft Universe and Shubble.

"Nice to have you guys on the team. All we need to find is Husky Mudkips and we will be set." I say, happy, before thinking of the information I got about him. "He is in the forest next to the Okhasis. The one where you never come out of." I say before taking off Ross's scarf and put it around his neck, instantly feeling all of the pain from the explosion but I don't show it. I can feel my body healing. Thank you Irene. Thank you mom. Soon, I am fully healed.

"You shouldn't be moving around!" Ross says, trying to put his scarf around my neck but I just push him away.

"I'm fine, now let's go and find Quinten!" I cheer. "I know a person their!" I say but Barney just pushes me to sit back down gently.

"You just woke up from a month coma with many injuries caused by an explosion and you want to go into a forest that nobody has come out of..." He speaks. I slowly nod. "Then let's go then!" Everybody gives him a look while we are both jumping up and down together.

"No you are not. You are staying here while we go and find him." Max glares at me, making me stop jumping.


"No buts! You are staying here while we leave later for the forest." I just sigh before nodding. His eyes soften. "We won't take long. We are just worried about you. You were in a coma for a month and you just woke up."

"It's fine and I get where you're coming from. I would be the same if it was Katelyn or Cadenza." I smile at him. We spend the rest of the day watching movies.

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