Chapter Fifty

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I was more than just smitten by the way Jack has been acting. I still loved him when he wasn't himself, but now that it seems he's back, I can't even comprehend the fact that he's still with me. He's more than great - he's perfect, and knowing he'll be living with me is the one thing pushing me to let him be social with the other patients.

"Block A to group therapy. Again, Block A to group therapy," The intercom called and I groaned, grabbing Jack's hand and heading to the lounge, where the chairs were already set up. I found Felix already there and sat next to him, Jack by my side, though I noticed Crank sat next to him, even though there was an empty spot next to Felix. Instead of overreacting, I tried to push the thought away.

"Hello again," The counselor spoke once she noticed everyone was here. "I know some of you arrived just yesterday and may have forgotten my name, Ms. Jackson (A/N: u nasty). No new faces today, so let's jump straight to it. Jack, I noticed you seem incredibly upbeat today, any reason why?"

"Mainly just because I'm ready to get out of here and show Mark Ireland before moving in with him," Jack turned and smiled at me.

"With an attitude like yours, I'm sure you'll be able to go home soon," Ms. Jackson grinned at him encouragingly. "Anyone in this room could take away something you have to show."

"What's so good about being happy?" Someone snapped, all eyes turning to him. "He's got a boyfriend who looks possessive as fuck, he's in a completely different country than his actual home, his friend over there looks fucking homeless, he has nothing to be happy about and neither does anyone here."

"I don't look homeless," Felix huffed.

"My home is where Mark is and maybe I like that he's possessive," Jack shot back, shocking me. Does he actually like that or is he just trying to jab back at the other guy. "Look, I know you're not happy and maybe you never have been. Maybe you're uncomfortable around happiness and are just too used to the misery, but you don't have to be afraid. You just have to accept that life doesn't always want to push you down and soon sadness will just be a distant memory."

The guy remained silent, twiddling his thumbs and biting the inside of his cheek. Pleased Jack was able to get through to him, I leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

"You're amazing," I whispered to him before pulling away. He gave me a small smile.

"Very nice, Jack, but one more moment like that and you'll be stealing my job," Ms. Jackson laughed lightly and turned her attention towards me. "Mark, I'm aware we have no true diagnosis for you, but what is something keeping you happy? We all know about your occasional violent outbursts, what's been keeping them at bay?"

"Jack," I immediately say as though it were obvious. "He's been happier and healthier than I've seen him in a long time and that's all I need to be happy myself."

"Homosexuality is a sin," Another patient snapped, glaring at Jack and I. I remembered this guy was insanely religious and was supposed to be moved to Block B for threatening to harm Jack and I, but apparently wasn't.

"Love is love, numbnuts," Felix rolled his eyes, clearly as sick of this guy's bullshit as I was.

"Numbnuts?" I echo and Felix laughs, realizing what he said and nods.

"A man shall not lay with another man, you will burn in Hell," He scowled and I shrugged.

"If Jack's there, I'm there," I grip onto Jack's hand and give it a squeeze, wondering why he's been silent. The guys suddenly bursts out of his seat, charging straight towards Jack. I quickly pull Jack out of his chair and onto his lap, seeing he wasn't quite paying attention and was snapped out of his thoughts. The guy tripped over Jack's chair and tumbled over. I push Jack off of me gently and get up, standing over the patient and snagging a bit of his shirt in my fist, getting close to his ear.

"Go to hell," He sneers immediately before I even say anything.

"You lunge at Jack again and I'll kill you," I threaten quietly, not allowing the counselor to hear. I let him go and sit back in my chair, pulling Jack onto my lap. He hesitantly gives in.

"Um... Okay, that'll do it for today. Mark, I need to speak with you, everyone else may leave and have some free-time," Ms. Jackson announced. Jack went up to me and kissed my cheek softly.

"I'll be recording with Felix," He muttered before heading out, along with everyone else in the room, the patient on the floor getting up and hobbling out quickly.

"What happened?" Ms. Jackson asked as soon as everyone had exited. Was she not watching or what?

"That idiot was basically saying homosexuals are going to Hell, what a fucking loser," I murmur the last bit to myself. "Then he lunged at Jack and I pulled him away, the idiot fell over the chair and I just told him to leave Jack and I alone."

"You didn't hit him, correct? You didn't hurt him at all?" She asked for a confirmation and I nodded, wondering where the hell she was looking when this happened.

"Yes, right, I didn't hurt him," I reassured her and she smiled.

"This is very good news, Mark, I don't think you understand. With the progress you and Jack have been making, I wouldn't be surprised if you got out the same time as Felix," She encouraged and I couldn't help but smile, though none of these people knew that once I'm released, I have three people to kill in Ireland. Anyone would be surprised by the amount of killers that actually get away with it, the media only seems to report solved crimes or never mentions it again if no one gets caught. "I'm very proud of you, but I also needed to tell you that Mr. Upshur is coming in tomorrow for the three of you, he's going to do a session with you all individually and then all together, sound good?"

"Yes, that's perfect, thank you," I nod and she dismisses me. I sigh and head towards the recording room, glaring at the guy who lashed out at Jack on the way there. I'd take care of him later.

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