Little Blue

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Sonic is a thief named little blue.. he has acquired this name from his many acts of stealing, from when he was little. In the day time hes some marketer that sells fruit, but at night thats when he becomes Little Blue.

"Sonic!", an old cat hummed.

Sonic turned to the elder cat. The cat looked in his 60's. The cat was a male with red stained fur. He was wearing rugged clothes.

"Yes, kappart?", I questioned.

The elder cat smiled and placed a watermelon on the sales desk. "Id like this!".

Sonic nodded and said, "that would be 10 runes." 

The cat jumped at the price, "Yer' crazy if you're thinking I'm going to pay that much!!!".

Sonic shrugged.

The elder cat shook his head and demanded the price to be lower.

"Sorry bud, times rough right now...".

The cat shook his head and walked away, leaving sonic with the watermelon.

"Cool", sonic sighed and put the watermelon behind the desk.

The day went on, it was a slow day for sonic. There were a few unhappy customers for the high prices, but other than that it was normal.

It was now night, which means it was time for the famous Little Blue.

"THIEF!!!" A lady yelled.

A person dressed up in a leather black, held a diamond necklace. It was none other than little blue. He was in a famous jewelry store. He shoved the necklace in his pocket, and was about to head out.

He jumped in the vent and started to crawl through it.

This is too easy, sonic thought to him self.

He smashed the vent that lead to the roof, and hopped out. It was dark. He stood up and hopped out of the vent.

He was on top of the roof and looked around.

He ran off the roof and landed into a garbage pile, which caught his fall so he didn't get hurt. He then ran his way to the forest to hide. But as he was running. 


Sonic stopped dead in his tracks nearly falling to his knees. He grabbed his side, and then looked at his hand.

His eyes shot opened. It was blood. And lots of it.

Little blue was shot. Sonic was shot.

He looks around and saw the lady all the way back at the store holding a hand gun. Her aim was impressive. Sonic didn't think twice and made a run for it, starting to limp in agony.

Shots that missed followed sonic till he was out of sight.

He ran. Which turned into a walk. Then turned into a limp.

.... till he fell


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