Chapter Fifteen

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Quick Note: Enjoy! I had to make a correction in the first chapter as to Boxer's breed. I had typed 'bull dog terrier' but he is actually a pug in my vision of the story. Just so that is cleared up.



Cooper finally gave the green light!

Thank God!

I could finally move forward with both Cooper and Terry’s accounts which made me extremely busy at work. Most my days were spent with the beta testers discussing, tweaking and working out the various bugs on both websites as I pieced them together.

I hardly had time to work on Evan and Kyle’s, but that seemed to be fine since they liked the idea of getting some photos of their finished counseling building, which wouldn’t be available for a few more weeks.

The other thing that kept me busy was watching over Boxer. He seemed to have gotten better, but I still worried and kept a close eye on him. The only thing I made time for was therapy. Mostly because I had to and wanted to, so I could see Evan. Three weeks have passed since that night we went to dinner and I have only seen him in therapy. Plus the one appointment I had with him, Kyle and Stacy.

During that appointment, I believe Eddie had walked by at varying distances from my office a dozen times. It did not go unnoticed by anyone…or Suzanne. I watched as one of the times he passed by she had tried to talk to him and when he ignored her staring into my office, her glare turned sour and directly on me.

Evan and I still had gotten to know each other better a little. I felt comfortable in therapy now and talked easily about my case. Though it still made me nervous to talk to the man I am attracted to about things so personal and intimate.

He never once gave me the idea that he judged me. In fact he seemed almost admirable about how well I have gotten past and through it all. I noticed he seemed more relaxed around me than he did at first too and it pleased me.

The ache for him still throbbed constantly under the surface. The flirting was there. I think Stacy and Kyle noticed it for the first time last week. When I saw her give me a raised eyebrow I reined it in. Kyle especially seemed annoyed with Evan whenever he smiled at me. Had he found out? The thought crossed my mind, but wouldn’t he have said something to Evan? I tried not to think about that.

Constantly, I replayed how he grazed my cheek saying good night…My cheek still sizzled when I thought about it. How badly I had wanted to kiss him. I regretted not doing so myself, but that would have made things much more complicated. I hoped he had wanted to kiss me too and was just being cautious.

I ran around the office today like a chicken with its head cut off. Back and forth I continuously went from the testing room to my office. I had taken to wearing flats with all the walking. Soon I would have to go speak with Eddie, he asked for an update this morning, but I had a feeling it was just an excuse to see me.

I have barely given him the time of day since he asked me out in hopes that he got the picture that I was not interested. I tried to hurry since Eddie usually is the first to leave the building.

“Sorry I tried to get here sooner,” I said out of breath when I finally made it into his office. Eddie looked up at me and he had a stony expression. Great, he wasn’t in a good mood.

“It’s nice to see my best web designer make time for her boss,” he said with an annoyed tone.

“Closing and testing two accounts at once keeps me busy,” I snapped back. Eddie’s jaw tightened finding my remark uncalled for, well so was his. He shouldn’t have been stalking my office this week either. “What do you need Eddie?” I continued.

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