Chapter 2 /:/ Feelings that Never Leave

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"Love is so holy, so confusing. It makes a man anxious, tormented.
Love, how can I define it?" - Gao Xingjian


🐞 Marinette's POV-  

I was still thinking about Chat's little note. It was just so cute, and it made butterflies rise in my stomach everytime I think about him next to me. He really was something.

I stretched and got dressed and redid my hair in my pigtails. I grabbed all of my work, my sketchbook and stuffed them into my bag. Then I noticed something. Where was Tikki? I haven't seen her since I had to hide her cause Chat came over. "Tikki?" I asked, trying to look for her. "Tikki where are you?" I looked under books and my bag. Not there. I checked my bed, my covers, and then my pillows. That's where I found her.

"Oh Tikki," I chuckled. She was laying down next to several piles of crumbs and chocolate chips that had fallen out of the cookies I normally give her. I guess she got hungry last night. "Tikki, come on, wake up. We gotta go to school and make it in time before the late bell rings again."

Tikki wiggled and sat up. I could tell she was still full from all the cookies last night cause she rubbed her tummy like it was aching. "Aw Tikki, I'm sorry for not feeding you last night! I totally forgot because Chat was here." She nodded her head as an answer. "It's alright Marinette. You're allowed to have some fun now and again. You are still in high school after all." I smiled at her response as she swayed back and forth tiredly.

I didn't want to move her, but I also didn't want to leave without her. It would worry be constantly if I did - but then I also felt bad cause I was making her come outside when she wasn't feeling well. Oh, why does decision making have to be so difficult!


I winded up not taking Tikki with me today. I did really feel back for making her move when she was ill - so I left her at home under my pillow again so she can sleep and feel better later on in the day. I just hope she does...

"Alright class, take your seats. I'm taking attendance and checking homework." I freaked out a bit inside, thinking I forgot to do my homework again last night, but then I remembered. Chat did it for me. He definitely was a silly kitty after-all.

She went down the list of the students. Mainly everyone did their homework, there were some people who didn't understand a question and just asked her about it. And she answered nicely, maybe today something good happened to her.


"Present, and completed," I said, taking it out and laying on top of my desk.

"I see that you're getting better at this whole school job, Marinette. Good Job." She said, smiling and walking away to check on the other's work. I didn't know if that was a compliment or another way to embarrass me in front of the class again. But she did seem happy for once for sure.



"Adrien isn't here?" She asked again. She sighed and

"I'm here!" Adrien came running into the door, out of breath and exhausted. "I'm sorry I'm late! I woke up late." He said and quietly made his way to his seat in front of me.

"Did you at least finish your homework, Mr. Adrien?" She asked, staring at him over her classes.

"Uhm... I'm sorry - I mean... No, Ma'am. I wasn't able to finish it last night." He said, looking down and trying to hide from her glimpse.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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