Bluewood Manor: Part 3

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It was basically nighttime when the butler arrived at the manor, so the hallways were very dim, and lit only by candles. The scent of French vanilla filled the air, and left the manor with an intoxicating aroma. Mr. Yato knocked on the door of the familiar office, and crept in slowly, and carefully. On the desk lied an upset and tired mistress with luscious dark brown hair, and an outfit to match. Mr. Yato bowed down before her, and set the glass of hot chocolate onto her desk, with a napkin and small plate beneath it to prevent any mess.

He stood up, and walked beside the young lady mentioned before. "Y-Yato..." She said quietly, "when did you a-arrive?" She asked him with a hint of sadness in her voice. "I suppose I arrived about seven minutes ago, mi' lady" he said. She seemed out of it lately, her cute, happy, and shy self was replaced with this depressed shell of sadness.

The young lady grabbed the slightly cooled glass of hot chocolate, and took a sip of it. "T-thanks..." She said with a slightly less depressed tone.

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