Bluewood Manor: The Finale...?

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Sara awoke cold, and confused. Trying to move yielded no results as she was bound to a pipe in what looked like a basement. The scent definitely matched, mildew, and urine isn't a very good combination. Laughing could be heard from what sounded like an upstairs. She was alone in the cold and damp basement.

Quickly, she came up with a rather simple plan. "Yato, this is a c-command, I wish to be f-free, and home at once!" The seal on her left forearm glowed light blue, proving the command useful. She was grateful. The butler with now, light blue eyes, came down the stairs silently... so silently, that when he appeared in front of Sara, she almost screamed.

The butler helped Sara down, and gave her a smile. I shall be back... the butler stated, and he headed upstairs. All Sara heard was gunshots... but what actually happened was way more than just gunshots. The butler greeted the armed assailant, as he stuck the butter knife into his gun, jamming it, and knocking the assailant down. He then quickly turned to the other three, and knocked them down as well.

One of the assailants shot at the butler twenty six times, further proving that he shouldn't even have had a gun... two of the assailants fell over drenched in blood thanks to the reckless one on the ground. The butler then grabbed a gun from off of the ground, kicked the assailant on the floor in the face, and then hit the other with the end of the gun.

The butler headed downstairs without a singe scratch, and helped Sara up onto his back. Based on the armed mercenaries, and the messy rooms, Blade left in a hurry. Sara quickly said to the butler, "Let's go home Yato, I don't like it here..." The butler replied with, "certainly Mi'lady", and with that being said, they were off. The butler and the young lady walked inside of the house, and he flashed her a quick smile before closing the door to Bluewood Manor.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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