Royally Mated

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His steel silver eyes met mine and it was like everything else ceased to exist. There was nothing but him. His black fur moved in the slight breeze and my chest felt like it was filling. My heart beat slowed and then picked up again. He was beautiful. That wolf standing across the way was mine. And I was his.

Hold on let me go back so you know how we got here.

Chapter 1

My name is Tala Hale. I’m 16, turning seventeen in two weeks, and I live with my mom, dad, and older brother. I’m 5’ 6 and have long brown hair. Right now I’m not sure what color my eyes are since they change. All the boys in my class hit on me so I guess I’m pretty.

Okay introduction done, let me tell you how I got into my position.

I woke up just like any other day and rolled out of bed. I showered and got ready for school. I’m a junior at George Forkner High School. I dressed in black jeans and a tank top. My mother wouldn’t approve but I hoped I could slip out before she saw me. Once I was ready I ran down the stairs, but stopped at the bottom to listen for voices in the kitchen. I heard one person moving and as soon as they yawned I knew it was my brother Nate. I rushed in there and he looked at me with tired eyes. Nate is taking this year off from college.

“Hey Nate” I said as I brushed past him to grab an apple.

“Hey Tala. Trying to avoid mom?”

“Yup” I said as I grabbed a can of soda from the fridge.

Nate laughed. He thought mom and I’s differences were odd but he knew not to get between us. Our fights usually got pretty intense. Mom especially hated how I dressed. I didn’t get it. It’s not like I was showing a lot of cleavage or anything. I was barely showing any.  She just always found something to pick at me about. I just couldn’t help from fighting back. It was in my nature.

Oh well. I grabbed the keys to the car dad bought me and scooted outside. I started the engine and got away without a fight.

At school I was a little early. I didn’t mind, and I had a vast selection of parking places to choose from. I parked my little car and then went inside. It was beginning of April and probably too cold for just what I had on, but I had left my jacket in my locker so I knew I would have it once I got to school.

My locked was on the third floor, and not far from my homeroom. I got my jacket, slipped it on, and sat down in front of my locker finishing the math homework I had hoped to have time to finish this morning. Lucky me.

As I got caught up in equations the halls got noisier as more students filled in. After a while I gave up on trying to concentrate and just gave up.

“Oh crap trig. Is that last night’s homework?” I looked up and saw Josh Walker. He had the locker next to me and was only my secret love. I was dying when I found out I had the privilege to have him next to me. He was tall, had short black hair and the cutest smile.

“Yup, and I hoped I would be able to finish it before homeroom started.” I sighed and tried to focus back on the numbers and variables on the paper in front of me.

“Looks like I’m going to using another homework pass.” Josh was a straight A student as well as captain of the baseball team. “Later Tal.” Tal? Did he just give me a nickname? I smiled stupidly as I watched him walk away. Oh my God he was adorable.

“Tala!” I looked the other way and I saw my best friend Sydney racing toward me. She pushed past some sophomore and ran over to me. I couldn’t help but laugh at her excited face.

Sydney was shorter than me with natural blonde hair and brown eyes like milk chocolate. She was extremely pretty, and she was my best friend. We have been since the fifth grade.

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