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No matter what I do
In the end I will mean nothing to you
And the end is where I am every day

Oh can't someone see
The tears I'm hiding in side me
Because now I'm not even sure if they're there

I hate this pain that I'm used to
But now I can't complain like I used to
Because inside I've just become numb

But I hide behind a smile
So that all the while
No one has to know what I hide inside

I'm all alone in the way I feel
Sometimes it's hard to tell what's real
Because no one seems to notice

I need someone to see the pain
Otherwise I might just go insane
But if someone asks I just tell them I'm "ok"

But there's a "ok" in broken
And a "one" in alone
And I hide behind the other letters

Because no one else knows how I feel
And even if they did they wouldn't know how to deal
With me anymore

So I'll listen to your problems
And I'll help you solve them
So you won't know the way I feel

But some see through my lies
So I try even harder to hide
And I end up becoming even more numb

Sometimes I make sure I still feel something
But now the pain feels like nothing
And I realize that this is now how I am

And I'm all alone in my lack of emotions
Hiding behind a smile made from potions
That was made from all the lies I've told

And maybe someday someone will break
Through my fake smile and take
Away my loneliness for a bit

But I doubt that will happen

My lies are now thick walls

And my smile covers up it all

So no one else knows the pain that I feel

It's not like they would actually care about it anyway

My Silence RevealedWhere stories live. Discover now